Spin Class Video Bike O Vision Hawaii Big IslandThis Podcast is was originally published on November 1, 2008, I have updated it with our new Podcast host information and I am representing it now. I hope you enjoy it, Joey

I have never been a fan of bike racing videos in my Indoor Cycling classes. Too distracting. It's very much like watching a NASCAR race, you feel compelled to watch, waiting for the inevitable crash or some other drama. The creative team of Liz & Jan Hunter, the co-creators of the Bike-O-Vision DVD series, sent me a copy of their latest video to try out in my Spinning class. I liked it and so did the participants. My wife Amy (the senior group fitness instructor in my family) also liked them. Instead of creating a distraction, the pretty scenery you would see while riding these roads on your bike, added a nice atmosphere to the room. Jan and I discuss how they are made and his plans for more videos in the future.

More here from their web site Bike-O-Vision.com

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