Make Recovery Work

Make Recovery Work

Yeah, sort of a play on words, but hopefully this article will help you use your recovery times more effectively.  I”™m going to write a separate article on proper recovery and what is appropriate considering the constraints of indoor cycling.  But for now, let”™s...
The Weekly Ride – 12/07/18 Last Years Holiday Ride

The Weekly Ride – 12/07/18 Last Years Holiday Ride

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
Make Recovery Work

Prime Time: Is Programming Possible?

By Team ICG® Master Trainer Chuck Cali “Is there a way to find out what your class profile will be before the class?” I”™m never quite sure how to take this question, which I get periodically.  Still, I screw up the courage to ask, “Why?” The answer usually begins...
The Weekly Ride – 04/16/18 Speed and Muscular Endurance

The Weekly Ride – 04/16/18 Speed and Muscular Endurance

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion No more hunting for new music or counting out cues to develop your ride profile.  Here is your ready to ride profile for a fully choreographed ride, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards...
Make Recovery Work

Don’t Touch My Drivetrain!

Over the last few weeks, I”™ve noticed a number of riders in my classes that were setup incorrectly on their bikes.  I found this odd only because these riders had been positioned correctly on their bikes a few weeks earlier. What happened? I talked to 3 of the...