FREE Podcasts


ICI Podcast 280 – Use your studio as a marketing platform and get free publicity!

ICI Podcast 280 – Use your studio as a marketing platform and get free publicity!

ICI/PRO member & Cycle Quest Studio owner Joe Ducosin hosted Olympic Gold Medalist Dara Torres at his studio last week - and the results were a bunch of free local media that promoted his studio. Dara was in town to promote the new women's specific FitClips headphones she helped design for KOSS Headphones. They also seem to work just fine for men - the pair Dara gave me fit really well, that is after she showed me how to insert them properly.  What was really unique about this promotion was how they used Joe's studio as the place to demonstrate the FitClip headphones to members of the media that included; multiple on-air personalities + a half dozen local bloggers. Each Keiser M3 was wired so each rider could experience the class through their headphones, instead of the studio's...

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ICI Podcast 143 – Meet Coach Kenji Freedman

ICI Podcast 143 – Meet Coach Kenji Freedman

Do you have a practiced introduction that you deliver at the beginning of every class? When Amy and I first met Kenji Freedman he impressed us as an Instructor the minute he started his class. USA Elite Cycling Coach Kenji has all the qualifications necessary to help...

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ICI Podcast 334 – How do you track the effectiveness of your social media campaigns?

ICI Podcast 334 – How do you track the effectiveness of your social media campaigns?

Social Media has grown to become the primary method of marketing for Indoor Cycling Studios. Which makes sense. Many of your prospective customers are active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - and you can't beat the cost. All it takes is posting a few pretty...

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Now available at iTunes!

Now available at iTunes!

The Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast is now available in the itunes Podcast Directory! You can subscribe by clicking the orange chicklet below. Subscribe in a reader New to Podcasting? What's with this Subscribing thing? Once you subscribe, iTunes will check each day...

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ICI Podcast 93 The Gateway to outdoor riding

ICI Podcast 93 The Gateway to outdoor riding

Your students are looking to you for help reaching the gateway. This Podcast is was last published on May 7, 2017, I have updated it with our new Podcast host information and I am representing it now. I hope you enjoy it, Joey How can you tell if your Indoor Cycling...

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