rate your burn review

RateYourBurn.com is a review site for fitness instructors who teach in select US cities. RateYourBurn founder Gillian Casten joins me to discuss her vision for this popular Instructor review site + shares a few of her observations and potential strategies you can use to improve as an Instructor.

In a previous interview, Studio owner Jessica Bashelor @ the Handle Bar explains how she recruited her Instructor team based on the the reviews she found on rateyourburn.com

Suggest checking out the Handle Bar's studio profile and here's a link to one of their Instructors, Meg Hughes Garvey, where you can see a bunch of reviews.

If you're teaching in one of these cities:

  • New York
  • Boston
  • Los Angeles
  • Philly - here's ICI/PRO member Russell Carter's profile at his Body Cycle Studio
  • Chicago
  • Portland
  • Miami
  • San Francisco
  • Denver
  • Washington
  • Nashville

I'd suggest maximizing your rateyourburn.com Instructor profile and start asking your participants to post reviews. Clearly a recommended Best Practice for you as a fitness professional.

Listen to my interview with Gillian below - and please to either leave us a review or subscribe to our free Podcast.

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Originally posted 2013-11-02 10:22:04.

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