
We just completed an update of the ICI/PRO feed to make it more user friendly.

ICI/PRO members get access to a special "Super Secret iTunes Feed" that will deliver a condensed listing of all of our downloadable Audio Profile Podcasts + full class mixed .mp3 playlists to iTunes or the Podcast App on your phone.

This latest update striped out everything but the important bits = now you'll easily find the audio profiles and mixed mp3s in iTunes or your favorite RSS feed reader.

To take advantage of this update you'll want to delete your old ICI/PRO feed and then re-subscribe using the RSS link shown below if you're logged in.


NOTE: This is a separate Podcast feed from the free Podcast. So you'll want both 🙂

If you need some help > here's a tutorial for iTunes or you can quickly setup your iPhone /iPad using this method.

Another way to access this RSS feed is directly through your browser. I know that Firefox will display the feed if you click the RSS link above - not sure about Safari. Chrome will work after you install this free plugin.



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