Master Instructor Blog

The Weekly Ride – 05/07/18 Intervals
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion No more hunting for new music or counting out cues to develop your ride profile. Here is your ready to ride profile for a fully choreographed ride, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards for your class. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to make your life as easy as possible! This week's ride is from Zack! Get the Full PDF Here Spotify Playlist: Apple Music Playlist: "051118 Exp Str 45" Playlist 1: "Unwritten", Natasha Bedingfield (Unwritten) 2: "Down Dirty", Rivero (Down Dirty - Single) 3: "Kamelot", Marnik & Jaggs (Kamelot - Single) 4: "Lady Marmalade", Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mýa & P!nk (Music From Baz Luhrmann's Film Moulin Rouge (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)) 5:...
Which do you teach – Movement or Intensity Based Classes?
This question from a prospective ICI/PRO member got me thinking today, while out on my early AM training ride... I'm interested in signing up for your programs, but I have a few questions about the information that is received. When you receive the classes, are...
Heavy Breathing
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas Cycling performance is all about oxygen. Muscle cells need oxygen to burn fuel and produce the energy necessary to power the muscle contractions that move us. This is known as cellular respiration. All indoor-cycling...
The Weekly Ride – 02/26/18 February Race Day!
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues. Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to make your...
The Weekly Ride – 011419 January Ride – Amy Smith
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
The Weekly Ride – 12/26/2017 Race Day Ride
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues. Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to...
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas and ICG® Marketing & Product Director Gary Warren Forward Motion Video was first produced for, and used in, Indoor Cycling classes in the form of DVDs. DVDs paved the way for production companies like Virtual Active to bring...
Shiny (sweaty) Happy People
Five million viewers of ABC's "Good Morning America" TV program were treated to a wonderful promotion for Indoor Cycling this past week. As I watched I just couldn't help myself and began humming REM's Shiny Happy People. That was exactly what I was seeing >...
Staying Open
By ICG® Master Trainer Vanessa Wilkins Cycling instructors are a special breed, and all a little different. There are those who coach, those who teach choreography, those who talk heart rate and RPM, and those who teach meditation on the bike. I always strive to...
My Journey to IHRSA 2015: Part 2
On Wednesday March 11th around 2:00pm I arrived in LAX to take part in my first IHRSA as a Master Educator for Stages Indoor Cycling. I was so excited that I went straight to the convention center to help the Stages team finish setting up our booth. I had been to the...
The Effects of Cadence (Part 1) Extremes and Limitations
The cadence or speed at which we pedal has a large impact on the type of workout we will receive. Maybe larger than we think. Often times, the only thing that separates one workout from another is leg speed. This 4 part series will explore different ways cadence...
A Good Reason to Come Back
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Chuck Cali “Indoor cycling instructors!! As you 'teach' your class this week ask yourself- am I using this time to effectively TRAIN these people or am I using every trick in the book to just be an 'entertaining distraction'?? And yes,...
Could Breath Acoustics be our answer?
Cameron Chinatti from Stages Indoor Cycling alerted me to this Indiegogo project: BreathAcoustics All-in-One Headset. She was excited by it and I can see why. I've spoken with the inventor Nirinjan Yee who's the CEO and Founder of BreathResearch and we will be...
Make Recovery Work
Yeah, sort of a play on words, but hopefully this article will help you use your recovery times more effectively. I”™m going to write a separate article on proper recovery and what is appropriate considering the constraints of indoor cycling. But for now, let”™s...
The Weekly Ride – 12/07/18 Last Years Holiday Ride
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
The Effects of Cadence (Part 3) Power Output or Strength Development
I coached one of the last weeks of Cycling Fusion”™s winter training program with a focus on developing muscular strength. The indoor ride consisted of a 15-minute warm-up, 2 openers (short, high intensity efforts) and then 4 climbing strength intervals. The goal of...
Prime Time: Is Programming Possible?
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Chuck Cali “Is there a way to find out what your class profile will be before the class?” I”™m never quite sure how to take this question, which I get periodically. Still, I screw up the courage to ask, “Why?” The answer usually begins...
The Weekly Ride – 04/16/18 Speed and Muscular Endurance
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion No more hunting for new music or counting out cues to develop your ride profile. Here is your ready to ride profile for a fully choreographed ride, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards...
Don't Touch My Drivetrain!
Over the last few weeks, I”™ve noticed a number of riders in my classes that were setup incorrectly on their bikes. I found this odd only because these riders had been positioned correctly on their bikes a few weeks earlier. What happened? I talked to 3 of the...
How Hard Should We Be Working When Teaching
Like always, there is no pat answer. It often depends on the instructor”™s teaching style, the type of ride and the class”™s expectation. Teaching Style I tend to break down the style categories as Coach, Trainer and Instructor. The Coach is on the road...
Myth #2 of Indoor Cycle Rider Setup / Bike Fit
I actually got myself in a little trouble exposing Myth #2 You (the Instructor) can set yourself up correctly. It was at the end of an Instructor evaluation, where I was a pretend participant. The Dept Head asked us if we had any comments or suggestions for the...
Understanding ANT+ and Heart Rate Monitors on Indoor Cycles
PRO member Kay asked a very good question about ANT+ ... I'm also wondering about Heart Rate. If the bikes are ANT+, will they only pick up ANT+ Heart Rate Monitors? I noticed that the new Schwinn did not pick up my Polar HRM Thank you for your comments! Kay...
Eagles pedaling through the air metaphor
I used a new metaphor this morning that seemed to resonate with my class. Watch this video and see if you can see the similarity between an eagle catching a fish and proper pedaling technique. http://youtu.be/hecXupPpE9o?t=12s Through the magic of slow-motion...
The Weekly Ride – 03/27/18 Cadence Work
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion No more hunting for new music or counting out cues to develop your ride profile. Here is your ready to ride profile for a fully choreographed ride, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards...
The Weekly Ride – 10/01/18 80s Endurance Ride
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
The Weekly Ride – 02/19/18 Anti V Day Ride
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues. Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to make your...
Take a spin around the parking lot + how many watts to hang on?
I saw this last Tuesday and forgot to share it with you. Our club ride begins at the Minnetonka Lifetime Athletic Club. Better known as The Spa, this is a unique LTF facility. Definitely not a Big Box, this club began as a women only club before being purchased by...
3 Tips for Teaching Off The Bike
It can be intimidating and awkward to instruct an indoor cycling class when not on the bike. Our bike seat can become a security blanket — a comfortable, happy place. However, getting off the bike and mingling with our riders can enhance their experience and allow...
Spinning Our Wheels: Can’t We Go Faster?
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas In the early days of indoor cycling, there was a problem. When bike resistance was low, the weighted flywheel connected to a fixed gear with a chain produced an unnatural degree of momentum. It permitted riders”™ legs to spin at...
Stop the Talkers – Step Three… Let's Fix This Today!
In part two we identified how the talkers act the way they do because of; cluelessness, a lack of respect for you and your class or they're challenging your position as the leader. Much of this could also apply to the texters/bring their own music/do their own thing...
Bringing it All Together
It’s like trying to drink from a fire hydrant! During the weeks of September we were focused on improving our instructor and coaching skills. Articles were posted on how we look, sound and feel as we lead our classes. We were already bubbling with info, thoughts and...
Do you have a rescue CD stashed somewhere?
This isn't good... I had two Oh Shit "senior moments" in the same week 🙁 The first was when I arrived at the Laguardia airport on Friday, only to discover I had left my wallet and ID back in the safe at the hotel where I had stayed in NYC. So I missed my flight back...
The Weekly Ride – 09/24/18 September 2018 Amy
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
ICI/PRO is Coming to Boston
Larry "Link" Russell will be representing ICI/PRO and presenting at SCW's Boston MANIA on Saturday 11/10 and Sunday 11/11. I need to thank Sara Kooperman with SCW Fitness for extending this opportunity for ICI/PRO to partner with her MANIA conventions. She recognises...
The Cockpit?
In my last article I focused on the implications of making adjustments to the drivetrain (seat height, fore-aft, tilt, etc.) to compensate for issues and limitations surrounding the upper-body and cockpit. Drivetrain … Cockpit….. are these “technical” terms in the...
The Weekly Ride – 03/12/18 Is It Spring Yet?
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues. Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to make your...
Still More on Motivation
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas As you may know from reading these posts, I”™ve written about motivation in several of them. I”™m often asked to speak to groups about motivation, or write about it in newsletters that go out to athletes. It...
Differentiation: ICG® Academy Opens in San Francisco
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas My thanks to everyone for the numerous responses to my post last week on the Commoditization of Indoor Cycling. As captured by those responses (Chuck”™s in particular), differentiation is the strategy necessary for...
We're Screaming for a Standardized Language
In the biblical story about the Tower of Babel, God wanted to prevent Man from building a tower that reached into the heavens. Construction of the tower was going along very well as everyone was working efficiently toward their common goal of reaching into the sky....
The Weekly Ride – 020419 January Ride – Amy Smith
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
You Da Coach: Are You In My Black Book?
We talk a lot about becoming more than just instructors in our indoor cycling classes. We want to be coaches. We are coaches! I”™ve spent the last 20 years coaching riders and teams on the road and half that indoors. Anyone who has taken one of my classes...
Are You Doing the Hard? Is Your Club?
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Chuck Cali In the movie A League of Their Own, the coach, played by Tom Hanks, confronts player Geena Davis as she quits just before the World Series because, “It just got too hard.” The coach”™s reply is a memorable rant that ends...
The Weekly Ride – 072219 Beast Workout
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Full Ride PDFApple Music PlaylistSpotify PlaylistFile to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming)The Ride will be available for purchase in the iClass Builder Store (No Programming)A Podcast...
Are you using this feature correctly… or at all?
Did you know that all of the Indoor Cycles that use magnetic resistance (FreeMotion S11.9, Keiser M3i and Schwinn AC) have a built in feature that will help your riders get stronger, create more power and burn more calories if you recognise and cue to it properly? The...
Motivation vs. Enthusiasm
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Joan Kent Do any of your students struggle with motivation? Have any of them missed classes, perhaps several in a row, because they “just didn”™t feel motivated”? For a number of years, I”™ve been an instructor/nutritionist...
The Weekly Ride – 022519 Aerobic Challenger – Karyn Silenzi
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
Putting Heart Rate Monitors to Use, Part 1
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas Now that more of your students wear heart-rate monitors (HRM) (see previous post “How To Get Your Students To Wear a HRM”), you must teach them how to use one. An important first step is sometimes lost when introducing...
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas Interval: n., the amount of time between two specified instants or events. You teach indoor cycling, so you know intervals. If you asked another instructor for the workout he/she used in class that morning, odds are...
ElliptiGO – could this be the next Big Indoor Cycling Thing?
Gary Hawkins from Ride Fit contacted me last week about a new virtual cycling training video he had produced. Except this video doesn't feature typical cyclists - it's designed for people who train indoors on an ElliptiGO. If you've never heard of an ElliptiGO you can...
Indoor Cycling Power Research #7: Good News, Bad News
Different Methods Same Skewed Results Let”™s start with the good news. I”™m sorry, I was completely pulling your leg. I really don”™t have any good news. I know, that”™s terrible — you can throw pencils and small farm animals at me next...
The Weekly Ride – 04/30/18 Get Springy
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion No more hunting for new music or counting out cues to develop your ride profile. Here is your ready to ride profile for a fully choreographed ride, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards...
Showtime, ain't no time to be trying something new!
I started to share this over at pedal-on.com and quickly realized that this is another Best Practice for Indoor Cycling Instructors. Suggestion to anyone reading this who is planning to use Spotify in class. A cycling coach / friend of mine taught me that race day is...
Keeping It FUN … A Year Later
"Hello... My name is Karen and I stepped out of the box last year. I am also the self proclaimed spokesperson for KEEPING IT FUNâ„¢ Indoor Cycling. I”™m committed to helping other indoor cycling instructors who aren't afraid to approach indoor...
Blog Post #10 Baseline & Performance Testing
Study Controls One of the next most important aspect of executing your research is having a way to accurately and consistently conduct the prescribed drills and record their results. This is the proverbial “before and after”; also commonly referred to as “baseline”...
Making Connections with Your Audience: AKA your Riders
Was it just me, or did that last Instructor never make eye contact with you, either? Amy and I were both participating at a teach-back assessment a few months ago, for Life Time's new Evolution Signature Indoor Cycling format. There was a handful of Instructors trying...
If I Hear Tabata Training One More Time!!!!!
As an athletic coach, nothing bothers me….OK, “ticks me off” more than when legitimate methods of training are misused. It blatantly demonstrates a lack of knowledge and professionalism. Unfortunately, this tendency is rampant in the fitness industry, which has thus...
It is NOT Just Cardio!
Indoor cycling has had a reputation of being a good cardiovascular workout. And that is absolutely true. However, when an aspect of any activity is touted vigorously, the reputation that is created can become definition. Even a recent indoor cycling certification...
Formatting Live Classes with Video
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas Video impacts Indoor Cycling more than any other form of Group Fitness. With the advent of Forward-Motion Video (FMV), the indoor cycling instructor can integrate the video into the ride profile for the day”™s class....
Spotify Refresh Tips + How full is my iPhone?
ICI/PRO member Dr. Marc Schlosberg is one of those Early Adopters you've no doubt heard discussed in the media. This group is quick to experiment with and embrace new technology. Marc was one of the first Instructors to use Spotify in his classes and he joined me on...
The Weekly Ride – 032519 Queen Ride
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
Go Hollywood Baby!
Take out the lights, put on some make-up and setup the cameras. You are about to be the star of your next class. Since joining Cycling Fusion, I”™ve been thrust into the world of video and spend more time in front of a camera than I like. Between our digital classes,...
Three steps to coping with inconsistent power meter readings on Indoor Cycles
It's a fact of life for all of us teaching power based classes; inconsistency in the watts readings between cycles. Some brands seem to be better than others. Certain bikes seem to be always right, while others are never even close. Calibration is done more frequently...
1-Legged Drills
We know it is safe to keep both feet attached to the pedals and simply focus on one leg at a time, but is it safe, and should we unclip one foot to perform pedal stroke drills in our indoor cycling classes? To stay on point I’m not going to discuss if and why 1-legged...
Constructing a Hypothesis
[plulz_social_like width="350" send="false" font="arial" action="like" layout="standard" faces="false" ] Not sure how you”™d construct an experiment on this one If you”™ll recall from Blog post #5, we are doing our best to stick to “The Scientific Method” as we...
The Weekly Ride – Week 10
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues. Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to...
Power, Part 1: What About the Watt?
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas - The Watt. Ten Newton Meters. Ten times the force necessary to raise 1 kg 1 meter vertical in 1 second. Clean. Absolute. The cyclist”™s preferred training statistic. Whether it”™s power-to-heart rate ratio, sustainable watts...
How Low is Low?
It's a beautiful sunny Minnesota summer day here and I was enjoying it out on my old mountain bike. One of the reasons Minneapolis is as such a bicycle friendly city are the trails running everywhere. I really enjoy these smooth gravel paths because I can spend a...
Did an overemphasis on “contraindications” > give rise to SoulCycle?
What caused the SoulCycle phenomenon? Why are their riders so passionate, loyal and willing to spend $34 dollars a class, when clubs and studios had been offering Indoor Cycling classes for 10 or more years - long before SoulCycle's launch in 2007? The research done...
Performance Cycle – FTP Assessment Class
Here's the profile I used a while ago in our Performance Cycle FTP assessment. [wlm_private 'PRO-Platinum|PRO-Monthly|PRO-Gratis|PRO-Seasonal|Platinum-trial|Monthly-trial|PRO-Military|30-Days-of-PRO|90 Day PRO|Stages-Instructor|Schwinn-Instructor|Instructor-Bonus|28...
Final Exams!
Some may say I”™m all work and no fun. Oh, come on! What can be more fun than final exams? Although this time of year is loaded with holiday parties and a time to take a well-deserved break from training structure, it is also a great time to determine our conditioning...
Remove Resistance to Build a Larger Following
by Team ICG® Master Trainer Chuck Cali As I prepared to support ICG at IHRSA 2013, I considered the ICG tenet that learning is about removing resistance. I had just gotten back from a bit of Vegas shopping. A nice saleslady asked me what I was doing in Vegas and told...
The Weekly Ride – 120218 HIIT Class – Karyn Silenzi
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
Stomps: High-Resistance, High-Intensity Intervals for Indoor Cycling (Very Cool)
If you”™ve done stomps in your cycling workouts, you may think I”™m crazy when I say this, but I”™ve always liked them. They”™re extremely tough but appeal to that twisted part of me that enjoys hard training. (I know: you”™ve got...
Are you teaching to the squeaky wheels?
Howdy Fit Folk! John Macgowan has so graciously invited me to contribute to the vast wealth of knowledge that is the ICI/PRO community-- woohoo!! Lucky me. 🙂 To those of you that I had the great pleasure of meeting at the 2011 ICI/PRO conference, hello again! To...
Training Formats for Class Design, Part 2
By ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas Last week”™s post covered variations in intervals and ladders. This week”™s covers variations in pyramids and steady-state workouts. PYRAMIDS A pyramid is a training technique that is essentially two ladders back to back, one...
Should you be deemphasizing outdoor cycling?
Can an argument be made for deemphasizing "Outdoor Cycling" in your Indoor Cycling class? Or asked differently; would it ever make sense to remove many (if not all) of the references, imagery and cuing related to riding outdoors? Life Time Fitness thinks we should...
Recovery Required!
In my last article entitle “Make Recovery Work” we looked at how we as instructors can efficiently use recovery time to our advantage. Two of the main points were to use recovery as a time to provide instruction to prepare our riders for what is ahead and as a way to...
Subbing: Is There a Better Way?
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas Every day, countless products, services, and people provide us with positive or negative experiences. Not long ago, one of my students confronted me to let me know that she was annoyed and frustrated with a substitute instructor...
People lie to you…
It's true. People lie to you. Now I'm not talking about lying to you in a malicious/manipulative way, I have this awesome bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you really cheap - or - she's a real peach, only driven to church and back by the gentlest 80 year old grandmother...
Change in Technology Has Me Re-Thinking Single Leg Pedaling Drills
During a class I attending yesterday, the Instructor had everyone doing one-legged pedaling drills... one legged as in pedaling with one foot un-clipped and held out to the side or rested on the frame. That's wrong/contraindicated... isn't it? My initial reaction was...
Myth #5 of Indoor Cycle Rider Setup / Bike Fit
Myth: Rider Setup / Bike Fit should be done before class. Common sense says that the best time to help someone with their bike setup would be before class. After all, this new student has just walked in and they have 45 - 60 minutes in the saddle ahead of them. So...
Pulling back the curtain on SoulCycle
Amy and I are in Santa Monica, CA this week for the MINDBODY Bold convention. I knew I would have a bunch of downtime and did a search for classes near our hotel. Imagine my delight at discovering a SoulCycle just a few blocks away 🙂 We attended a sold out class...
Training Formats for Class Design, Part 1
By ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas Building a class profile can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of teaching Indoor Cycling. Instructors sometimes find it stressful because they feel they”™re “out of ideas.” There are many approaches to class design. A...
The Weekly Ride – 12/18/2017 Holiday Ride
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues. Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to...
Coaching students during their “Golden Hour”
I suppose I should start this by answering your question; "what exactly is their Golden Hour, John?" It's my description of the 60 minutes, that follows the first 30 minutes, of aerobic activity. For you, me and many (if not most) of the students in your class, we all...
Crazy Climbs and Hip Openers?
By Team ICG® Trainer Elliott Bringman Growing up cycling and swimming, I never knew that without a flexibility regimen, the muscles would tighten more and more and, cumulatively, end up rigid. Rigidity, in the long run, decreases range of motion, which is detrimental...
Make it Real. Make it Last
(A PEP TALK — because we all need some empowerment from time to time) Although I thought I would be preaching to the choir on this topic, I believe we need to stay inspired as much as anyone. We are the ones using all of our energies to change the face of indoor...
The Weekly Ride – 08/06/18 Boombayah Ride
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
Making your classes about more than just exercise
"Because that's where the money is..." was famous American bank robber Willie Sutton's reported answer to the question; "Willie why do you rob banks?" I can imagine a similar conversation with an upscale restaurant owner; "so why do you cater to business people?"...
The Weekly Ride – 01/08/18 Speed Work
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues. Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to make your...
The Power of 3 – Keep it Simple and Progress – Profile (Sept 2015 Week 1.1 @ Threshold) Do You FTP?
The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. Over the last 2 years I've been performing a FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test on the first Thursday and Friday of every month in every facility I teach in that has bikes with power. I have yet to have anyone complain or comment...
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas - The experience of flow remains one of the least-understood phenomena in training. Yet it”™s one of the richest, most memorable experiences we can help deliver to our students. Creating the circumstances though which...
Tom and Gene in Spain
The look on Tom Scotto's face says everything! That's real mountain climbing, at Threshold, in Spain. Tom was in Spain last week with Gene Nacey to film another in the series of Global Ride Indoor Cycling DVDs If you have a few minutes I encourage you to watch the...
Teach Cycle-and-Row Like a Pro
If you”™re about to start teaching a class that includes both cycling and rowing, here are a few tips. Stay off the bike. To handle all the variables in a cycling/rowing class, you”™ll need to be on your feet, moving around the room. Will you warm up?...
Performance Cycle – Pinning Down Two Numbers Class Profile
I hate math, especially when I'm forced to do quick calculations in my head. Figuring (forgive the pun) that many other people dislike math, I won't ask anyone to do any calculations in my classes. For example, I would never cue something to the effect of; now I need...
The Weekly Ride – 123118 Power Climbs – Karyn Silenzi
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
Performance Cycle – FTP Assessment or 2 + 1 = a straight line
Better late than never they say. It certainly applies to this season's Performance Cycle classes - now we're in full swing after some initial confusion that came from a sudden change on GFDH's. We kicked off this past Sunday with an assessment to find the wattage...
The Weekly Ride – 02/10/20 Your 10X Stronger Than You Think
This class is meant to see if you can't surprise yourself and go just that little bit harder. We will increase our resistance (by gear or watts or HR) 10 times once we warm up. Because both power and heart rate are not linear, but are more exponential, the final 4 increases are half the others.
Take Them On a Ride
My approach to indoor cycling has always been to bring the qualities of cycling outdoors into the indoor cycling studio. On one hand, there are the general qualities of fitness and condition that everyone enjoys, cyclist or not. However, there are definitely...
Power, Part 3: Control and Power
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas Using power/watts conventionally in indoor cycling improves students”™ fitness. But it”™s the tip of the iceberg, a small projection of the immense power below the surface. Consider, instead, introducing the...
The Weekly Ride – 07/09/18 Strength
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Ok, this is the week that I have been working towards, this is our new era of The Weekly Ride. This week and moving forward you will get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride...