Last week I was asked to sub a couple of classes for another instructor and friend. Β It was at a club that I used to teach at and where I still knew a number of the members. Β I always like teaching at this particular club because the riders throw out some good energy and appreciate a structured workout β€” my specialty. Β Since I was going to be covering both the 9:30am and 12:30pm timeslots, I decided to bring my laptop and camp out in the lounge area between classes to get some work done.

The energy of the 9:30am class was great and the room was full. Β I taught on and off the bike walking around the room to encourage riders I hadn”™t seen in a while and meet some new faces. Β After class, a few people hung out. Β I also took the time to make a few adjustments to the bike setup of a couple of riders. Β It was definitely one of those classes that often gives you (the instructor) more back than one feels was given. Β I left energized and refreshed and was now looking forward to the 12:30pm class.

I settled down in the lounge area and fetched myself a cup of complimentary coffee. Β As I was checking emails and eating a Pop-Tart (yes, I got grief for that - β€œWhat, Coach Tom Scotto is eating junk food”) one of the riders approached my table and asked if she could interrupt me. Β Sure, I love talking with people at the club and particularly about cycling. These were her exact words: β€œYour class and workout was great, but your music sucks”. Β She said it in such a genuine, yet straight-forward way, that I could do nothing but smile. Β β€œWow, that is quite a range of feedback. Β Would you mind bridging the gap for me? Β What did you like and why such a strong response to the music?”

She sat down and told me how the workout was perfect and how she felt the exact challenge I had presented during the intro. Β She remembered each of the drills and told me her heart rate ranges for each. Β I was quite impressed with her detail and assessment of how she felt during each effort. Β β€œSo what”™s up with the music?” I said. Β She said it was just awful. Β β€œI hate all of that electronic stuff”. Β Now I was quite certain the instructor I subbed for played very similar music, so I asked what she thought of the music the regular instructor plays. Β β€œOh, his music is terrible too. Β I can”™t stand that electronic junk”. Β She told me she liked popular music with vocals. Β I asked her how she was able to make it through the entire class with that brutal noise. Β She said that, although she hated the music, it somehow fit the flow of the class and matched the workout. β€œI just focused on what we were supposed to be doing and blocked out the music”.

I thought this was very interesting. Β How could someone who had such a violent reaction to the music actually enjoy a class β€” to the point where her overall assessment of the class was β€œgreat”. Β Being a musician, I”™m particularly sensitive to music and would find it hard to enjoy a class if I β€œhated” the music. Β Her feedback demonstrated the importance of delivering sound training. It is so important that a 50% Great plus a 50% Sucks stills equals β€œgreat”.

Now I don”™t think she was speaking to the soundness of the β€œphysiological training concepts”, but what I took away from her comments was that she appreciated the thought and structure that went into designing the class. Β I thought this was great news. Β As a coach, I have all kinds of workouts just waiting to pour out of my head. Β The challenge is always the music. Β It can take me hours to pull together just the right songs. Β So, as I said, this is good news. Β It doesn”™t mean we don”™t have to focus on the music, but if we take the time to put together a sound workout, it can overshadow our music choices.

So what does this really mean for us? Β It is a call for each of us to take the time to design a solid ride profile. Β How much time and effort do we take to construct our workouts or rides or whatever we call them? Β Could your profile stand on its own WITHOUT music? Β Wow, that”™s a challenge! Β I”™m sure there is quite a bit more that we can pull out of this experience, but I”™m more interested in hearing your feedback and thoughts?

I”™m off to download some new music. Β Apparently, my tunes suck.

Originally posted 2011-04-15 15:03:17.

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