Engage Your Students

ICI/PRO is here to assists you in keeping your students engaged with the latest trends and recommendations from our teams and other members studios.

Teammates Melissa Marotta & Barbara Hoots to co-lead 6-Hour “Ride for a Reason”

Teammates Melissa Marotta & Barbara Hoots to co-lead 6-Hour “Ride for a Reason”

Our very own Melissa Marotta & Barbara Hoots will be co-leading the 11th Annual Special Olympics 6-Hour "Ride for a Reason" on Saturday, March 19 in Burlington, Vermont. Joined by Spinning® Master Instructors Angie Scott and Anthony Musemici, Melissa and Barbara will be leading 100+ riders to raise money to support the children and young adults supported by the Special Olympics. In addition to an inspiring day of motivating instructors, live music, and awesome energy, riders will have the opportunity to hear directly from Special Olympics athletes themselves about how their lives have been changed through their participation with the organization - thus giving a deeper source of fuel for every pedal stroke. The event will be held at the Champlain Valley Exposition Center outside of...

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More observations from our students

More observations from our students

  This is getting to be a bit of a trend, people writing about their experiences in a Spinning class. Here's another from ChicagoNow.com called  Spin Classes are Cool (for men too) Like we need to told that 🙂 I've been spinning since I stopped going to my...

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Naked Indoor Cycling

Naked Indoor Cycling

I had forgotten how challenging it is to teach a completely naked Indoor Cycling class! I'm in Jamaica with Amy this week, teaching at Couples Tower Isle on a working fitness vacation. Jamaica is well know for sun, rum, Red Stripe beer, the clear blue ocean and a very...

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I'm Fine, Thanks

I'm Fine, Thanks

Something about this movie trailer moved me to the point where I made a donation to support the production of this film. It wasn't much, only $25, but as I begin year #51 it really spoke to me and I wanted to show my support. Maybe it was this quote, right at the end,...

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ICI Podcast 334 – How do you track the effectiveness of your social media campaigns?

ICI Podcast 334 – How do you track the effectiveness of your social media campaigns?

Social Media has grown to become the primary method of marketing for Indoor Cycling Studios. Which makes sense. Many of your prospective customers are active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - and you can't beat the cost. All it takes is posting a few pretty...

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I spent the morning volunteering at the Life Time Fitness Commitment Day 5K run in downtown Minneapolis. It was the perfect morning to prove your commitment to fitness; sunny and 10° below zero... that's -10° Fahrenheit = painfully cold.  That's why the smart people...

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Stop the Talkers – Step One… Identify The Real Issue

Stop the Talkers – Step One… Identify The Real Issue

There's a recurring issue that keeps popping up on Facebook and Pedal-On forum: Does anyone have a suggestion about to do about the consistent talkers in my classes? They're really disruptive, but I don't what to offend anyone. What should I do? What follows are a...

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Be the helper

Be the helper

Yesterday was devastating.  I began to think that after the tragedy at Newtown, our country had finally hit its breaking point.  I was pretty sure that violence had won and that more and more of these stories would be told. Today it seems I was right, and yes, it is...

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What's the best number of Heart Rate and/or Power Zones in our classes?

What's the best number of Heart Rate and/or Power Zones in our classes?

If your objective is to communicate (sell) the value of either Training With Heart Rate - or - Training With Power, teaching your class using Three Zones will be the most easily understood, accepted and remembered... here's why. The Rule of Three It's no accident that...

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Over 80% raised their hands

Over 80% raised their hands

The question I asked was "how many of you are training for something?" Over 80%, of a full class with 50 bikes this morning, raised their hands indicating that they were training for something... I wasn't specific as to what, only are you training? Even though this...

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By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas I”™ll switch gears from my recent posts on using public speaking techniques to enhance our teaching to talk about what we say.  In The Art of Cueing, I discussed the use of cues to bring depth to the class and make it more than...

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