Member Spotlight
A spotlight on the best of the ICI/PRO Instructors.

ICI/Podcast 128 Introducing Threshold Field Testing to your class with Karen Bernardo
ICI/PRO Member Karen Bernardo is the owner of Carpe Diem Fitness and Wellness in Mississauga, Ontario Canada. Karen taught a Threshold Field Test with great success in her Indoor Cycling class. When she sent us an email describing the full classes she had and how helpful it was to her students, our first thought was; "we need to have her on the Podcast" Do you have video in your studio? Here are two great videos for running a 20 minute field test for FTP or threshold Heart Rate. So here is Karen explaining exactly what she did and how she did it. Technical issues make this episode unavailable - sorry.
ICI/PRO In Staffanstorp Sweden
When I fired-up my microphone and recorded the very first episode of the Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast back in August 08, never in my wildest dreams would I have believed this would happen; an Instructor in Staffanstorp, Sweden would be walking into his class with...
Teammates Melissa Marotta & Barbara Hoots to co-lead 6-Hour “Ride for a Reason”
Our very own Melissa Marotta & Barbara Hoots will be co-leading the 11th Annual Special Olympics 6-Hour "Ride for a Reason" on Saturday, March 19 in Burlington, Vermont. Joined by Spinning® Master Instructors Angie Scott and Anthony Musemici, Melissa and Barbara...
Meet Biggest Loser Winner Pete Thomas!
ICI/PRO member Joe Ducosin invited Amy and me to a special event at Cycle Quest Indoor Cycling Studio, Joe's new studio in Eden Prairie, MN. The event was a kick off for the Minnesota Tour de Cure, a fundraising ride for the American Diabetes Association. It...
ICI/PRO is Coming to Boston
Larry "Link" Russell will be representing ICI/PRO and presenting at SCW's Boston MANIA on Saturday 11/10 and Sunday 11/11. I need to thank Sara Kooperman with SCW Fitness for extending this opportunity for ICI/PRO to partner with her MANIA conventions. She recognises...
How could I forget Nina!!!!
I feel so foolish. When I listed the members of the ICI/PRO Team I completely forgot to include a very important person (whom I describe as my Angel), ICI/PRO member Nina Israel! Nina contacted me after the conference last fall, asking if she could contribute in some...
ICI Podcast #151 – PRO Member Interview with Alice Heffner
With all of these very talented Indoor Cycling Instructors available we thought; "why not add a monthly Podcast featuring one of our members?" Meet ICI/PRO Member Alice Heffner! In this episode Alice shares the steps she took to start and build a new class, at a new...
ICI/PRO Member Solves a Big Problem
Outdoor cyclists can be very particular about their bike fit and setup. So much so that many won't come to your class because, after hundreds of hours on their own bikes, they don't feel comfortable on the Indoor Cycles in your studio. Then there's the issue of those...
ICI Podcast 192 Meet ICI/PRO Member (and Tom Scotto's sub) Kay Ruane
Would you be intimidated if you had to fill in for Master Instructor Tom Scotto? I know I would. Meet Spinning Instructor and ICI/PRO member Kay Ruane. Kay fills in for Tom on a regular basis at the Wellbridge club where they both teach. Those of us with a bunch of...
ICI/PRO Podcast # 255 – RACE DAY Audio PROfile with Mark Peterson
RACE DAY was another winner of our Ultimate Instructor Class Profile contest from Instructor Mark Peterson! For the love of the Road Race! The inspiration for this ride was the recent Pro Cycling Challenge in Colorado but the ride is generic in the sense that you...
Happy his new VeloVie Bicycle
ICI/PRO member John Appleby purchased a new VeloVie Vitesse 400 through our PRO/Purchase program. John emailed me today... John: Here is the photo of the bike. I like it more every day. I rode the 14 percent grade section of Beaver Creek (11 percent average over 2...
Happy Birthday Amy Macgowan
I can't let this day past without remembering Amy's (the Senior Group Fitness Instructor here at ICI/PRO) birthday. I'm forbidden to mention her age, so please don't ask. I will give you some clues to the year she was born; Cuban Misslle Crisis, Jamaica Gains...
Direct from IDEA
WOW! What an exhausting (but fun and productive) week at the IDEA fitness conference in LA. There is so much I want to share with everyone and I hope to post as much as possible over the next week or so. I'll start with the best part, meeting some ICI/PRO members who...
ICI/PRO Member Spotlight – Holly Mishoe and her new son Tyler
ICI/PRO member Holly Mishoe sent me this very cute picture of the newest member of the Mishoe family; Tyler Jackson Mishoe. He is such a cute little guy. Hopefully soon he will sleep thought the night but right now he is very hungry and loves to eat all night long....
Life Time Fitness Instructor Audition Help
Question from an ICI/PRO member: Hey John & Amy, I have an audition coming up with LIFETIME for cycling instructor. OK, I'm given 3 minutes to present my best ride. Crunch time. Any suggestions or advice on this? How exciting for you! Amy and I enjoy teaching at...
ICI/PRO Member Spook Hilgartner in the news!
Our very own Spook Hilgartner is featured in this article about his new Indoor cycling Studio InSync Cycle! A certified Spin instructor, Hilgartner, 67, first started to work out on stationary bikes because he "couldn't run anymore." That led his to take Spinning...
PRO Member Mike Porter and his Cadence Cycling Studio in the News.
It sounds like Spinning® studio owner Mike Porter is crushing it in Vancouver BC at Cadence Cycling Studio! Mike's studio was visited by radio personality Margaret Gallagher from CBC Radio One. This is the month many folks vow to "get back into shape" after a season...
Happy 60th Birthday Vivienne Naylor!
I hope I don't get in trouble from Vivienne for divulging her age - but doesn't she look awesome on a bike! We should all aspire to look so good, at any age. If you've spent any time over at pedal-on, you've read something she's commented on in her very direct British...
ICI/PRO Member Leslie Mueller's Pain Prevention Videos on ehow.com
When I was at the IDEA conference last summer I met the representatives from Demand Media. They create unique content for websites like Livestrong.com and ehow.com. The person from Demand Media told me that they were at IDEA recruiting Fitness Professionals who could...
ICI Podcast 323 – Meet Fitness Blogger and New Spinning® Instructor Lena Hershey
I love discovering smart, talented people who are passionate about Indoor Cycling and Lena Hershey is someone I feel you should get to know. Lena is a brand new (she started in May) Spinning® Instructor at the Carlisle Family YMCA in Carlisle, PA. Lena's journey to...
Can you help out a Vet?
ICI/PRO member Ryan Bardes is returning from his tour of duty in Afghanistan. Thanks for your service! Ryan is moving to Indianapolis, Indiana this Summer and is looking for an Indoor Cycling studio who needs an experienced Instructor beginning in August. He has...
Weren't we just talking about this? Note from Chuck Cali a few minutes ago: Should've drove to teach this morning Got slammed in the parking lot at Google by a guy speeding between lanes of parked cars. I screamed, swerved and braked so that I got hit by a glancing...
Thanks Barbara!
One of the coolest things about our community here at indoorcycleinstructor.com is how helpful and encouraging many of you are. ICI/PRO Barbara Hoots is one of those people. I can't help but smile when I see her name come up on my caller I.D. knowing that she will...
Studio Owner Success Story!
I love getting emails like this... Hi John~ How have you been? It's probably been close to 2 or more years since I've touched base with you. I promised I'd let you know how my Total Rider In Motion Cycling Studio is doing as the years went by. Here's my update: After...
ICI Podcast 322 – Stages Indoor Cycling's Newest Master Educator Dennis Mellon!
Congratulations to ICI/PRO contributor Dennis Mellon who was recently hired by Stages Indoor Cycling as a Master Educator! I love helping Smart / Talented people become successful and in this episode of the Podcast Cameron Chinatti, Stages Indoor Cycling's Education...
Do you teach at a Big Box and a Boutique Studio?
I sent out an email last week, asking: Do you teach at a Big Box and a Boutique Studio? By "Big Box" I'm referring to one of the majors with multiple locations; 24 Hour, LA Fitness, Club Sports, Equinox, etc.. If so I'd like to talk to you and (if it makes sense)...
New Studio Launching this weekend – Time Trial Cycle in Naples, FL
"YOU TAUGHT ME TO USE SPOTIFY!" "I think she's talking to you John" was the response from Mad Dogg's Tony Berlant, as we both watched a very excite women running toward us. Tony and I were enjoying an adult beverage during the reception at last fall's MindBodyFitPro...
Making Things Easier To Find Here
I'm a very "random" person - just ask anyone who know's me - in that I'm not one for long term planning. That's why I so enjoy operating ICI/PRO... when I discover or hear something (or someone) that sounds like it would be of interest to you, I post about it or try...
Meet Kim Moody – Winner of the Ultimate Instructor Class Profile Contest
Kim Moody was our 4th place winner with her "The Gate" - Halloween Mixed Ride profile. Because Kim's profile would be more appropriate later this Fall, I've decided to save it until them. I'm also going to ask her if we can record it so everyone can hear her...
Congratulations Doug Rusho – New Master Instructor with Stages Indoor Cycling!
It's with great pleasure (and a bit of pride) that I get to announce ICI/PRO member and frequent contributor Doug Rusho has joined the Stages Indoor Cycling team as a Master Instructor! ICI/PRO members have enjoyed a number of Doug's Audio PROfiles and he did a great...
ICI/PRO Member Kathy Ehrlich-Scheffer in the news!
Have I told you how proud I am of all the ICI/PRO members who have taken the leap and started their own Indoor Cycling Studios? Well I am, and it's so awesome to see when the local media recognizes them! Kathy Ehrlich-Scheffer opened Cycledelic Indoor Cycling...
Epic Planet Spring Filming Tour
Allen Jones, of Epic Planet video fame, gives us an update on the road trip he and his wife Liz just completed. epicPLANET's 2011 Spring Filming Tour is complete and it was an action packed four weeks and over 5,000 miles of driving. In mid-March epicPLANET...
Barbara and Melissa at the Special Olympics 6-Hour Ride for a Reason
Melissa Marotta's review of the event: On Saturday, March 19, Barbara Hoots and I (along with Spinning Master Instructors; Angie Scott from Vermont and Anthony Musemici from NYC) had the honor of co-leading the 11th Annual Special Olympics Vermont's 6-Hour "Ride for a...
Another ICI/PRO Member in the news
It's been a busy week for ICI/PRO members. Charles Hilgartner - everyone knows him as "Spook" - opened InSync Cycle, his new Indoor Cycling Studio this weekend. Spook's studio is running Keiser M3's and is the only dedicated Indoor Cycling Studio in the Baltimore MD...
ICI/PRO member Shirin Beckett featured in the Virtual Rider Newsletter
We fell in love with Shirin Beckett last fall at the conference. Now the producers of the Epic Planet DVD series have featured Shirin in their latest newsletter! Here's the link so you can see her Epic Profile where she describes: "We set a goal and we train...
ICI/PRO Member Gene Nacey In The News
Besides running Cycling Fusion Indoor Cycling, Gene Nacey also produces the Global Ride series of Indoor Cycling Class Videos. One of my favorites is the Pittsburgh Dirty Dozen climbing race. It features 13 "bring them to their knees" climbs that are perfect for your...
ICI/PRO Member Barbara Hoots in the news
ICI/PRO Member and Contributor Barbara Hoots was featured in her local paper the Albany Herald “From the lighting to the music to the actual cycling, it”™s a total experience. No one wins in a spin class. It”™s not about competition.” Hoots should know. She took a...
It's nice to have a warm place to ride…
From AccuWeather.com Chief Long Range Forecaster Joe Bastardi may have bad news. While cold weather is of course a part of winter, the persistent nature of colder-than-normal conditions and a lack of brief warm spells people can typically look forward to during...
ICI/PRO Member Russell Carter's New Studio In The News
I met PRO Member Russell Carter at this year's conference as he was getting to open his new Body Cycle Studio - Indoor Cycling Studio in Philadelphia PA. He had been working with Bill Pryor on the business planning and was at the conference to brush up on his teaching...
ICI/PRO Member Doug Rusho's Cycling Fusion Top 10 Contest Video
Cycling Fusion is conducting a search for America's Top 10 Indoor Cyclists and ICI/PRO member Doug Rusho has this video up on YouTube. Congratulations Doug! I realize that it take's a special confidence to "put yourself out there" and be judged by your peers! You can...
We love getting emails from listeners!
This is so awesome! Dear John! I am a new listener to your ICI Podcast. I am from Budapest, Hungary - Europe. I have just downloaded all of the episodes to my iPod and listening to it while I am typing this e-mail. I am not new to Indoor cycling / Spinning cause I...
ICI/PRO Member Story
ICI/PRO Member Kathy Ehrlich-Scheffer shared this story with me and I felt it would be an inspiration to to others wanting to make the move to riding outdoors. Jennifer & John, Yesterday I took part in my first century, completing 80 of the 100 miles! I'm very...
So, are you ready to tell us your ICI/PRO success story?
Hey [firstname], Jennifer and I would love to hear your success stories and be able to publish them in a podcast for non-members. We've even come up with a bit of bribe, one of our brand new ICI/PRO hoodie sweatshirts that our fashion editor Barbara Hoots had made for...