One of the coolest things about our community here at is how helpful and encouraging many of you are. ICI/PRO Barbara Hoots is one of those people. I can't help but smile when I see her name come up on my caller I.D. knowing that she will have something of value she wants to share with all of us. I would like to public thank her for her efforts at creating the new Top 210 Indoor Cycling Songs list, as well as the previous Top 161 Songs list.
If you appreciate her as well, I would encourage you to leave a comment below 🙂
We have sent this list of 210 songs to all of our subscribers. Click here to subscribe and get the list.
Originally posted 2010-12-24 16:59:53.
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Great job Barbara! Thanks. May you spin happily into the New Year.
Just opened my email, THANKS 210x. I look forward to reacquainting myself/students with songs I have used before and finding new and exciting songs that help inspire us do accomplish things we never thought we could.
What a great Holiday gift..thank you!!!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Thank you so very much for adding even more value to our membership. Happy Holidays all!
Awesome Barbara, Happy Holidays & all the best for 2011. Cheers!
Way to go Barbara! Great list.
How do you find time in a day to do all that you do?
Hey everyone, if you just downloaded the file, you might want to do it again. I just edited and reformatted it, and added the Friday Favorites at the end (so now you have the ones from 2010 in one spot). I also added a note and disclaimer at the end, as well as a link to ICI/PRO. So if yours has that note/disclaimer, you have the most recent version!
Thanks Barbara:
Wishing you and all the staff at ICI/PRO a very merry christmas and happy new year. I will truely look forward to using the songlist.
Oak Ridge, TN
That’s a mighty fine looking pair pictured there!
On a more serious note, thank you so much for all of your hard work. You help us all raise the bar. I can’t wait to dig into this list and have some fun!
Rochester, NY
Thanks so much! I look forward to using some of these songs in my playlists thru out the New Year! This is awesome! 😀
Heidi in the ATL
Thank you very much for the song list. I appreciate you sharing. Can’t wait to try get some on the list and try them.
Jodie Q
Thank you Barbara – what a fabulous gift to the ICI/Pro community! Yet another quality offering from a quality organization.
Thank you Barbara! You Rock!
And what a fantastic gift tow wake up to on Christmas Morning 🙂
Happy New Year. I feel so very blessed to be a part of ICIPro community this year.
Much love to all,
Thanks for the time and efforts that went into providing such a great resource.
Thanks Barbara , merry Christmas from London , will be delighted to open this present !!
Thousand thanks Barbara I just open my gift , you are such a important person for ICI Every one of my s ride will thank you
in 2011 ,and wish you all blessings for you and your family you did a GREAT job .
You are the gift that keeps on giving! Many thanks Barbara!
Thank you so much for this list of wonderful music. I have already started downloading and listening. What a wonderful gift. Sometimes I wonder if I like teaching or the music more! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and best wihes in the new year ahead. I look forward to more music! Thanks again.
Thank you so much for putting this together Barbara!
you are the greatest–thanks
happy holidays
Hi Barbara, thanks for the list …. will try it out in South Africa!
Thanks so much Barbara! Very helpful.
HI ICI/Pro Team,
THANK YOU for the Christmas gift of music!! It’s been a great year with John and Jennifer and everyone at ICI/PRO; this website is the best ever. May you all enjoy a blessed 2011; continue your passion for making indoor cycling safe and fun for all. I hope to meet all of you at the next ICI/PRO Conference in Boston!!
Thank you so much for your kind comments! Truthfully, I was a bit selfish creating the list! I’ve been searching for a new powerful song for 2011 and found it here….Kill Me Every Time by Blue Stahli. I played it yesterday and my class went crazy! They said, “Where do you find this music??” Shhhh…our little secret! Your inspiration fuels me…Happy New Year!