Top 210 Spinning Indoor Cycling Songs for your Spin class

Kathy Ehrlich-Scheffer with Barbara Hoots at the ICI/PRO Conference

One of the coolest things about our community here at is how helpful and encouraging many of you are. ICI/PRO Barbara Hoots is one of those people. I can't help but smile when I see her name come up on my caller I.D. knowing that she will have something of value she wants to share with all of us. I would like to public thank her for her efforts at creating the new Top 210 Indoor Cycling Songs list, as well as the previous Top 161 Songs list.

If you appreciate her as well, I would encourage you to leave a comment below 🙂

We have sent this list of 210 songs to all of our subscribers. Click here to subscribe and get the list.

Originally posted 2010-12-24 16:59:53.

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