Heart Rate Training

Intro to ZONING in a CAN short video

Intro to ZONING in a CAN short video

If you teach "Club Athletes", what many of us see as the majority of the student in our classes, and want to educate your students / clients on Heart Rate training program, I highly recommend you look into Zoning Fitness. In the video below, Chuck Cali and Sally Edwards present the Zoning Can - a complete 6 week heart rate training program that actually comes in a can.  I'm aware of two ICI/PRO Member Instructors who are part of the initial Beta review of this new 6 week program. They will be taking their class through the complete 6 week Introduction to Heart Rate Training. "What's the purpose behind a 6 week program?" and "Why not just introduce these concepts during a normal class?" were common questions I heard at the conference. The purpose of a separate program (actually 6 classes)...

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What's the best number of Heart Rate and/or Power Zones in our classes?

What's the best number of Heart Rate and/or Power Zones in our classes?

If your objective is to communicate (sell) the value of either Training With Heart Rate - or - Training With Power, teaching your class using Three Zones will be the most easily understood, accepted and remembered... here's why. The Rule of Three It's no accident that...

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Prescriptive Exercise – Your Doctor writing a prescription for YOU to attend indoor cycling classes

Prescriptive Exercise – Your Doctor writing a prescription for YOU to attend indoor cycling classes

A national policy of Prescriptive Exercise would be the holy grail* for small studio owners.  Imagine; A new client walks in with her doctor specified exercise regimen for you to "fill", just like at a pharmacy. As an approved provider, you and your studio would...

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My new HR Monitor

My new HR Monitor

I got tired of replacing the chest-strap-battery in my old Nike monitor so I though it was time to upgrade. Based on the recommendation from a Personal Trainer at my club, I bought this Polar RS200. It is the lowest priced Polar monitor he was aware of that you can...

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