Heart Rate Training

We're Screaming for a Standardized Language

We're Screaming for a Standardized Language

In the biblical story about the Tower of Babel, God wanted to prevent Man from building a tower that reached into the heavens. Construction of the tower was going along very well as everyone was working efficiently toward their common goal of reaching into the sky. Now I'm sure God could have just sent a storm to knock down the semi completed tower... but then Man would have simply started over. So instead he wrecked their construction team by causing everyone to speak a different language. Confusion was rampant since no one understood what the other's were saying. Construction halted and the team disbanded. Problem solved. The recent survey we conducted included a number of questions about Teaching with Power - to get some understanding of "how's it going?" and the impact power has on...

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What's the best number of Heart Rate and/or Power Zones in our classes?

What's the best number of Heart Rate and/or Power Zones in our classes?

If your objective is to communicate (sell) the value of either Training With Heart Rate - or - Training With Power, teaching your class using Three Zones will be the most easily understood, accepted and remembered... here's why. The Rule of Three It's no accident that...

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Prescriptive Exercise – Your Doctor writing a prescription for YOU to attend indoor cycling classes

Prescriptive Exercise – Your Doctor writing a prescription for YOU to attend indoor cycling classes

A national policy of Prescriptive Exercise would be the holy grail* for small studio owners.  Imagine; A new client walks in with her doctor specified exercise regimen for you to "fill", just like at a pharmacy. As an approved provider, you and your studio would...

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My new HR Monitor

My new HR Monitor

I got tired of replacing the chest-strap-battery in my old Nike monitor so I though it was time to upgrade. Based on the recommendation from a Personal Trainer at my club, I bought this Polar RS200. It is the lowest priced Polar monitor he was aware of that you can...

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