Zoning Fitness for Spinning Heart Rate Training

So what's the potential ROI on the Zoning program?

If you teach "Club Athletes", what many of us see as the majority of the student in our classes, and want to educate your students / clients on Heart Rate training program, I highly recommend you look into Zoning Fitness. In the video below, Chuck Cali and Sally Edwards present the Zoning Can - a complete 6 week heart rate training program that actually comes in a can. 

I'm aware of two ICI/PRO Member Instructors who are part of the initial Beta review of this new 6 week program. They will be taking their class through the complete 6 week Introduction to Heart Rate Training.

"What's the purpose behind a 6 week program?" and "Why not just introduce these concepts during a normal class?" were common questions I heard at the conference. The purpose of a separate program (actually 6 classes) is so you can focus on a small group of students who are truly interested in learning how to use Zone based Heart Rate training, over a six week period of time - so they really learn and understand the core concepts.

If you operate a studio or club and are looking to add Heart Rate training to a multi-week Boot Camp or Weight Loss program, I suggest looking into Zoning Fitness.

In case you missed it, I have a complete explanation of Zoning you can listen to here.

Look for a full report next month as to their reactions and experiences as Zoning prepares to launch next month.

Originally posted 2011-10-18 12:57:04.


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