Featured Studios
Get the latest from the featured indoor cycling studios from around the country.

The SoulCycle Effect
We're seeing a crazy number of new small/independent/boutique studios opening all over the world - which is awesome. I love being part of a growth industry, not to mention how all these new studios need Instructors! But what's driving all this growth? I know that a whole bunch of studios have opened, who's owners will tell you that their initial motivation came from hearing my first interview with Bill Pryor/Spynergy Consulting; Start Your Own Indoor Cycling Studio from 2010. But there has been another force at work in our industry; SoulCycle. Google Trends is an interesting service where you can observe the popularity for a particular subject over time. The data is based on mentions in prominent media and Google searches. You plug in a few search terms and Google displays a trending...
Help Wanted – Emerging women's cycling apparel brand hiring reps
Moxie Cycling apparel was featured last January on Podcast #195 where a number of ICI/PRO members participated in a focus group, giving feedback about the new cycling jerseys from Moxie. Fast-forward nine months and business is so good that Moxie Cycling's founder...
Shiny (sweaty) Happy People
Five million viewers of ABC's "Good Morning America" TV program were treated to a wonderful promotion for Indoor Cycling this past week. As I watched I just couldn't help myself and began humming REM's Shiny Happy People. That was exactly what I was seeing >...
MindBody Online App for Indoor Cycling, Yoga, Pilates and Personal Training Studios
Want to use your iPhone or Android based device to schedule your next Indoor Cycling class? There's an App for that® 🙂 I added the ® because Apple has trademarked that phrase. Studio owner Bill Pryor has created an App for his customers at Spynergy Wellesley, Bill's...
The Indoor Cycling Studio Supplier Trifecta As an Indoor Cycling studio owner or manager, you want your supplier relationships to be a WIN/WIN/WIN where your supplier wins…your customer wins…and you win. Find the right retail supplier and you add value to the overall...
Could you be sued into bankruptcy?
What would happen if someone were to get hurt in your class tomorrow? It could be something as simple as a student slipping on a sweat soaked floor and twisting their knee, as they were climbing off at the end of class. One moment everything is fine. It was a great...
IDEA's Fitness Connect
Fitness Connect from IDEA is something I feel all of us Group Fitness Professionals and Fitness Studio owners need to jump on soon. I'm scheduling an interview with IDEA's head of business development for a future Podcast. In the mean time if you are an Indoor Cycling...
Amazon Business – Great Option For Your Indoor Cycling Studio
I'm a huge fan of Amazon Prime because it makes me feel super productive and efficient. When I realise I need something, rather then adding the item to a shopping list (I'll probably forget to bring to the store), I take 30 seconds to order it on Amazon. Then I hear...
ICI Podcast 107 Breathe Denver Indoor Cycling Studio Owner Sarah TV Russell
Breath Denver is the Indoor Cycling studio that hosted the Stage 5 Cycling Instructor certification that Jennifer and I participated in this past weekend. I'm fascinated by people who follow their passion, take a (big) risk and start an Indoor Cycling studio. Breathe...
How to Keep Crowds into February – Presentation by Shannon Fable of GroupEx PRO
Shannon Fable, Co-Founder and President of GroupEx PRO Group, has published this informative presentation directed at Instructors and studio owners/managers: How to Keep Crowds into February January is such a great time of year for Fitness Professionals, especially...
My Instructor Employment Initiative = Connecting Instructors with Studios!
Question asked by a member of our Studio Owner's Facebook Group; "Where should I post listings to find quality Instructors for my new studio? Which is a great question... where will prospective Instructors know where to look for job listings in their area? Why here of...
Can you help me sell a room full of RealRyder Indoor Cycling Bikes?
Sometimes, with the best intentions (and a lot of effort), new fitness businesses don't work out as planned. Which leads to sending out a sad email like this one: John, sadly I have to close down 2 of my studios and consolidate to one due to landlord doubling the...
ICI Podcast 280 – Use your studio as a marketing platform and get free publicity!
ICI/PRO member & Cycle Quest Studio owner Joe Ducosin hosted Olympic Gold Medalist Dara Torres at his studio last week - and the results were a bunch of free local media that promoted his studio. Dara was in town to promote the new women's specific FitClips...
Meet Biggest Loser Winner Pete Thomas!
ICI/PRO member Joe Ducosin invited Amy and me to a special event at Cycle Quest Indoor Cycling Studio, Joe's new studio in Eden Prairie, MN. The event was a kick off for the Minnesota Tour de Cure, a fundraising ride for the American Diabetes Association. It...
Everyone Loves a Parade!
Here in the USA we're big on parades, especially in smaller towns and around the Fourth of July. They make the perfect venue to promote local business and that includes Indoor Cycling Studios! Melissa Spredemann is opening Velocity Cycling Studio, a new Spinning...
Would you like some buttered popcorn for class?
Why is it some crazy ideas don't sound so crazy, once somebody is actually doing it? For example; who would have thought holding Indoor Cycling classes in a movie theater would be a good idea? He considered turning it into a recreation center, or a ropes course. But...
One Rider's Perspective of CHS Revolution in Charleston, SC.
Occasionally I'll see stories pop up where a class participant writes a review of an Indoor Cycling class he or she took. What makes this review noteworthy is that Bryan Ganey, the writer of this review, has lost an incredible 400 pounds and has written a book about...
ICI Podcast #171 – Cycle Quest Studio Celebrates First Anniversary
ICI/PRO Member Joe Ducosin runs Cycle Quest Studio in Eden Prairie, MN Joe and his wife Patti are celebrating their first anniversary! Joe and I discuss his first year as a cycling studio owner; where his initial motivation came from, his early planning, what...
ICI Podcast 38 Monetize your passion for Indoor Cycling and turn it into cash Pt 1
This Podcast is was originally published on March 15, 2009, I have updated it with our new Podcast host information and I am representing it now. I hope you enjoy it, Joey Graeme Street, the owner of Cyclo-Club (an online bicycle training service) offers you; Three...
ICI Podcast 267 Meet Xavier and Nadia McClinton from Body By X Skill Development & Training Center
Running a successful fitness studio takes a lot of passion, experience and hard work. The husband and wife team of Xavier and Nadia McClinton who run Body By X Skill Development & Training Center in Marin County California sound like they have all three covered......
ICI Podcast 0016 – 6 Signs of Studio Sabotage
Think about all of the planning you did before launching your new cycling studio? How much are you doing today to keep your studio in top form? We talk with Barbara Chancey and John Bogosian talk about the six signs of fitness studio sabotage. This podcast is a must...
ICI Podcast 332 – Indoor Cycling Studio Equipment Leasing Questions Answered
As promised in this post, here's my interview with fitness equipment leasing expert Joe Schmitz from F.I.T. Leasing. During the interview Joe provides answers to many of the questions you might have if you're planning a new Indoor Cycling studio, or are considering an...
ICI Podcast 309 – learn to build your tribe from Lisa Druxman
As the fonder of multiple fitness programs for Moms; Stroller Strides®, Body Back® and Fit4Baby® - Lisa Druxman knows all about creating a Tribe of people passionate about a fitness business. Lisa Druxman created Stroller Strides in 2001 after the birth of her...
ICI Podcast 288 – Ready for a RateYourBurn.com review?
RateYourBurn.com is a review site for fitness instructors who teach in select US cities. RateYourBurn founder Gillian Casten joins me to discuss her vision for this popular Instructor review site + shares a few of her observations and potential strategies you can use...
ICI Podcast 294 – Meet Nick Oram Master Instructor and Founder of CHS Revolution Indoor Cycling Studio
This podcast is no longer available.
Use the “Mom Test” to help choose studio registration software & technology
Prospective Indoor Cycling Studio owners have hundreds of both challenging and easy decisions to make, long before they're ready to launch. Considering that your new studio will be a real business and the purpose of your business is to make money, the registration...
Who’s on your crew?
"So Joel, how do you know who to listen to and who to shut out?" “I try to only listen to those whom I”™m confident are on my crew…” My question came during a conversation I was having during coffee with Joel Johnson, the pastor of my church. Joel had...
Starting an Indoor Cycling or Spinning® studio….can it work?
You”™re passionate about fitness, you love indoor cycling and you may even be an outstanding instructor yourself. You recognize the amazing energy in a great class, and you”™ve also seen a lot of poor or mediocre classes that frustrate you....
ICI Podcast 295 – What's the secret to Orange County's Top Indoor Cycling Studio?
CB Cyclebarn was recently voted the top Indoor Cycling studio in Orange County, CA. The "Barn" as it's affectionately known, is run by first time business owner / Instructor Karen Casler. Karen shares with us a number of the secrets of her success in the interview...
ICI Podcast 88 Start Your Own Indoor Cycling Studio Bill Pryor from Spynergy Consulting can help.
Click image to join our Facebook Group - everyone encouraged to join! This Podcast is was last published on Feb 23, 2010, I have updated it with our new Podcast host information and I am representing it now. I hope you enjoy it, Joey As promised last week, here's my...
The Cycledelic experience
After attending ICI/PRO Conference 2010, Kathy Ehrlich-Scheffer and husband Matt were motivated to open their own studio. In her words, “to bring the best the industry has to offer to our riders.” And to her credit, she has done just that. Kathy and Matt opened...
Would you teach for SoulCycle?
I'm really curious how you would respond; would you teach for SoulCycle? But before you answer, imagine you had the following conversation at the end of your last class... A women approaches while you're collecting your stuff. "Hi [wlm_firstname]." "My name is...
ICI Podcast 284 – Meet 26 year old Cycling Studio owner Jessica Bashelor!
John, you absolutely need to interview this new customer of our's in Boston... she's only 25 years old and it sounds like her Indoor Cycling Studio is really doing well! I was talking with Gina Perrault from MINDBODY Online last month, at their conference in LA. I had...
ICI Podcast 334 – How do you track the effectiveness of your social media campaigns?
Social Media has grown to become the primary method of marketing for Indoor Cycling Studios. Which makes sense. Many of your prospective customers are active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - and you can't beat the cost. All it takes is posting a few pretty...
ICI Podcast 315 – Christian Noni is looking for a great story from you!
Christian Noni wants to hire you as an Instructor at Revelry Indoor Cycling and Fitness. But there's a catch to his interview process... he's looking for Instructors / coaches who've experienced inspiration from fitness, who have seen the light.. the proof.. ...
ICI Podcast 359 – Future Studio Owner Consultation Call
Helping prospective Indoor Cycling studio owners with their business planning is part of my Instructor Employment Initiative - encouraging the formation of new studios... which creates more places for Instructors to teach and will (at least I'm hearing) create upwards...
Great resource for brand new Indoor Cycling Instructors
There's an old saying that goes; "I've been at this so long... I've forgotten much of what I didn't know, when I first started." I've taught Indoor Cycling classes since 1998ish. A long time ago for sure. Even back then I had an advantage over most new Instructors....
Should you open your own independent Indoor Cycling or Spinning® studio?
Part 1: Are you an entrepreneur? If it”™s done right, a cycling studio can be a profitable and enormously rewarding way to spend your time. After all, what could be better than treating friends and neighbors to a workout that is helping them live a happier...
Association of Fitness Studios (AFS)
I've been watching the steady growth of the Association of Fitness Studios (AFS) and was recently invited to join as a member of their Advisory Council. From the AFS press release: NEWS RELEASE Nash, Macgowan Join AFS Advisory Council (CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, August 7,...
Practicing Indoor Cycling 2.0
I woke up this morning to a very nice note from Studio Owner Alison Zemanek. Hi John, I just want to express to you how much I love your site. Thank you for putting together such a wonderful resource! I recently opened a Cycling Studio in Longmont, CO (BreakAway...
GRIT Indoor Cycling is doing something right
Saw this posted on Facebook and just had to share it. The author, Victoria, is a triathlete, runner and fashion blogger at alltheshoesfit.com - she's also a raving fan of GRIT Cycle in Costa Mesa, California. TOP 10 SIGNS YOU”™RE ADDICTED TO YOUR SPIN...
ICI Podcast 312 – Cycling Studio Post-Mortem
It began as the dream of many Instructors - starting your own fitness business. Charles (Spook) Hilgartner made his dream real by opening the first dedicated indoor cycling studio in the Baltimore Metropolitan area. It was very sad to hear that InSync Cycle Studio...
New TowelMateâ„¢ Fitness Club & Studio Towel Protects Your New iPhone While You Workout
Does your Health/Fitness Club have a sign like this in the locker room? And a similar sign in the parking lot saying essentially the same thing? You shouldn't leave your your new 4G iPhone or wallet in your car or the club's locker, so what do you do? Bring them on...
Multiple benefits to Indoor Cycling for Seniors
Guest post by Instructor & Studio Owner Pauline Geraci According the Administration for Community Living (ACL), people 65-plus represented 12.4 percent of the population in the year 2000 but are expected to grow to be 19 percent of the population by 2030....
CycleBar Fitness Instructor Jobs Fair on Fox & Friends This Morning
Fox & Friends ran a special segment this morning, highlighting the job opportunities in the fitness industry. Master Instructor Kari Nicolle from CycleBar said that they would be opening 50 new locations this year, requiring close to 700 new hires. That's an...
More from Master Communicator Joe Ducosin – CycleQuest Studio
I love sharing the emails Amy and I receive from our boss - CycleQuest Studio owner Joe Ducosin 🙂 Hi everyone, Thanks to all of you for continuing to be part of the CycleQuest Studio instructor team. This is the busiest time of the indoor cycling season where...
The future looks bright for Indoor Cycling
My Monday morning (5:45 am) classes are always a JRA Endurance ride. My class looks forward to them as a foundational part of their weekly training. The combination of plenty of caffeine + a steady Aerobic effort gets the old brain cells working and the creative...
So You Think You Want a Fitness Studio?
Part 1: Why Leadership, Team-Building, & Creating a Company Culture Will Save Your Ass. Since this is the first of several articles in this series, you and I will be spending some time together over the next few months uncovering what it takes to open, own, and...
PRO Member Mike Porter and his Cadence Cycling Studio in the News.
It sounds like Spinning® studio owner Mike Porter is crushing it in Vancouver BC at Cadence Cycling Studio! Mike's studio was visited by radio personality Margaret Gallagher from CBC Radio One. This is the month many folks vow to "get back into shape" after a season...
Welcome to the NEW world of indoor cycling! Eucalyptus-scented chilled towels, a post-ride massage, signature locker room amenities, bikes that monitor your performance and scheduling software that allows you to reserve a specific bike are just a few of the trends...
Fulfilling This Cycling Instructor's Fantasy
Hi John, My name is Julie and I am the owner of a cycling studio in Philadlphia, PA called "The wall cycling studio." This past weekend I had a couple instructors over and after a little time we somehow got on the discussion of how one of my biggest dreams to live is...
Trending into 2013
Just a few trends I've seen in 2012 that are moving smartly into 2013. - Dual fitness offerings - boutique cycling studios are now combining TRX, Pilates, personal training, yoga, etc. The ideal studio space required to provide these amenities is running 3000 sq ft....
ICI Podcast 358 Take your fitness studio's “tribe” on vacation with TripTribe.com
Our Cycling Studio Owners will want to check this out ASAP... For years we've promoted Working Fitness Vacations - where you, the Instructor, teache a few fitness classes in exchange for a very low cost, Caribbean vacation. Hundreds of Instructors have followed our...
Would adding a few Recumbent Indoor Cycles = a more inclusive class?
Would you agree that Indoor Cycles are a poor method/modality of exercise - for some populations? There's a long list of people who would never consider participating in our classes, or even riding an indoor cycle alone at home. There's a bunch of reasons: Physical...
Don't Ban Me Bro!
This morning I read how Soul Cycle has been banning fitness instructors (from competing studios) who try to attend their class. SoulCycle bans fitness instructors from its classes About 10 days after hitting a SoulCycle class on a recent day off, Barry”™s...
The state of Indoor Cycling in the USA
Guess what? Indoor cycling is expanding, and that”™s good news for all of us. You are probably well aware that this is one of the most popular group exercises in the world. When they”™re done well, these classes are amazingly effective workouts that thrill and inspire...
Silent indoor cycling classes?
Do you have noise problems / complaints from neighboring businesses? Have you changed class times or cancelled classes to keep the peace with another class in your club? This maybe a solution... Message from Facebook this morning: Hi there! My name is Naomi and I have...
ICI Podcast 338 – Pre-startup planning for a new Indoor Cycling Studio
How much planning did you do (or should you do), before launching your new cycling studio? What research did you complete to understand the difference between successful studios and those that are struggling? Fitness entrepreneur Callie Bowling has completed an...
Prescriptive Exercise – Your Doctor writing a prescription for YOU to attend indoor cycling classes
A national policy of Prescriptive Exercise would be the holy grail* for small studio owners. Imagine; A new client walks in with her doctor specified exercise regimen for you to "fill", just like at a pharmacy. As an approved provider, you and your studio would...
BYOB (Bring your Own Bike) in an Indoor Cycling Class?
I coach a four month long winter training camp that offers 14 indoor cycles and 6 bicycle trainers. This allows participants to bring their own bikes, mount them on the trainers and ride alongside the stationary bikes. Everyone gets a fantastic experience with this...
Adding Cadence / RPM to a Star Trac Spinner® NXT or Spinner® Pro Indoor Cycle
We talk a lot about the new Indoor Cycles with consoles that display a rider's performance data; Power /watts, RPM, distance, calories. Training with Power is fabulous if your club or studio as invested bikes recently. It's even more fabulous when all of that data is...
ICI Podcast 351 – Is 2017 the year to join AFS?
AFS - The Association of Fitness Studios - is the organization for small/boutique studios and it's my recommendation that Indoor Cycling Studio owners become members. It's free to join as a basic member - register here. In this episode of the Podcast, AFS founder Josh...
Observations from the MS150
Well we made it. One hundred and fifty miles, most of it sitting up front pulling our team. Amy and I have a new appreciation for what battling a continuous 20 mile an hour headwind feels like, over 70 miles - exhausting! In past years, it was always our objective to...
Keeping It FUN – Indoor Cycling's Guide To The Wireless World
Congratulations! You have decided to take the leap and open an Indoor Cycling studio...you're not alone. Dedicated Indoor Cycling studios are growing in popularity and numbers. Owning an Indoor Cycling studio is FUN and like any other new small business...
Meet Parkinson’s Cycling Coach Kathy Helmuth
Hi, my name is Kathy Helmuth and I am excited to share a wonderful new program called Parkinson”™s Indoor Cycling. UPDATE September 25, 2014: We are now offering an ACE approved Parkinson”™s Cycling Coach training program. To learn if you qualify click here. As...
Time Management in the Cycle Studio
When I take off my instructor hat and walk into a class as a participant, I have two expectations beyond the obvious (getting a good workout): 1. The class will start on time. 2. The class will end on time. I understand there are exceptions to every rule and...
ICI Podcast 252 Meet Studio Owner Leslie Grosshauser from S and L Tri Cycle Fit Studio
My guest for this episode of the Podcast is Studio Owner Leslie Grosshauser. Leslie launched S & L Tri-Cycle Fit Studio on the first of the year. I was excited to learn from her about a number of decisions she made, to differentiate her offering from other...
ICI Podcast 321 – Meet Spinning® studio owner Suzanne Olson from Pure Energy
Spinning® studio owner Suzanne Olson, along with her 4 partners, runs Pure Energy in Paoli, PA . Suzanne joins me to discuss how she ensures a quality experience for her participants, in their multi-format fitness studio. Pure Energy's Facebook page....
Financial Hardships Fuel the Fitness Industry
I've also posted this at cyclingstudio.org When the world markets were crashing in 1929 and the American economy was in ruins, Angelo Siciliano, an Italian immigrant, saw opportunity in the face of darkness. In the midst of financial despair and against all...
Do you have any marketing help for small Indoor Cycling studios?
Question from an ICI/PRO member: Comments: Hey John I just recently moved out of the box clubs (LA Fitness for one) I was working at and started classes at a small studio. I have never done any marketing work and wondered if you could help guide me. Do you have any...
Are your Indoor Cycles ready for the fall rush?
Fitness equipment replacement parts distributor Sportsmith is offering a 15% discount for ICI/PRO readers and listeners. They have most everything you'll need to tune up all your bikes and have them ready for the fall (is it really coming so soon?) rush of new...
ICI Podcast 285 – Understanding Fitness Instructor Professional Liability Insurance
UPDATED 9/14 - We are no longer recommending the company involved in this podcast. When we renewed this month we were told we could no longer add an "additional insured" to Amy's policy unless we paid an extra $155.00. This is totally ridiculous in our eyes and we...
ICI Podcast 340 – Are you part of the SilverSneakers FLEX program?
Here's a great opportunity for Indoor Cycling Instructors and Studio Owners to attract and serve a new demographic of riders - active seniors! With over 12 MILLION members and 13,000 locations, SilverSneakers is a kind of quiet giant in the fitness industry....
Questions about Leasing Indoor Cycles and Studio Equipment?
I've been doing some consulting with potential cycling studio start-ups and a common question has been; should I consider leasing vs. conventional financing / paying cash? My feeling is (to use the expression) Cash Is King for any small fitness business. If you listen...
Job Opportunity HEARTZONES — National Club Sales Manager
My friend Sally Edward is looking for a National Club Sales Manager. Her HEARTZONES Display Training system is becoming very popular - they're closing in on 400 schools using the Heart Zones System. The Heart Zones products and services target a wide spectrum of end...
Revenge of the Big Box clubs
Interesting article from RACKED.com that is promoting the virtue of Big Box fitness clubs - while recognizing how the boutique studios have been getting all the press and recognition over the past few years. Do Classes at Regular Gyms Hold Up Against Boutique Fitness?...
Boost Your Bottom Line with Branding – Free Webinar Today
Shannon Fable, 2013 IDEA and 2006 ACE Instructor of the Year, will show you the three key components to distinguishing your studio/gym in a noisy fitness world. Walk away with several activities to further clarify your brand and boost your bottom line with...
After a meteoric increase in new Indoor Cycling studios and other forms of boutique fitness businesses, it makes sense that a few of them will be sold. I've recently received a number of inquires from studio owners, asking for help selling their business - and I went...
Cycling Studio For Sale in Marietta, GA
Studio owner Karina Belli is offering what she describes as a "Business in a box - 360 Indoor Cycling Studio" that someone could purchase and move to their own location... or assume her lease and continue at it's current location in Marietta, GA . Need help selling...
ICI Podcast 357 – Most Valuable Lessons Learned From Studio Owner Steph Cohen
Meet Stephanie (Steph) Cohen - owner of Ride Revolution Cycling Studios in Northvale, NJ! Steph is a member of our Cycling Studio Owners Advisory Group. In this episode of the Podcast, we discuss some of her most valuable lessons learned from running her successful...
ICI Podcast 356 – Pre Launch Profits from A Great Indoor Cycle Fitness Studio Website Design
Here's a fun studio pre-launch story you'll enjoy hearing - especially if you're planning a new studio yourself. Former Flywheel Sports Instructor Tracy Chutnow partnered with former participants Donnie Stutland and Stephanie Rubinstein to launch Wheel Power Studio in...
We're forming an Indoor Cycling Studio Owner's Advisory Group
Here's an excellent chance for you to help shape the future of Indoor Cycling - as a member of the new Studio Owner's Advisory Group we're forming as a part of AFS - the Association of Fitness Studios. After receiving some favorable responses from our Studio...
Is This The Best Two Sided Indoor Cycling Pedal?
When I'm at IHRSA (which I was last week) I spend a bunch of time searching for the next "Big Thing" that I can share with you. What I found is a rather small and yet indispensable component of the bikes we ride - Keiser has developed a new Indoor Cycling pedal that...
What I'm excited to see at IHRSA next week!
It's that time of year again - IHRSA, the big fitness equipment show starts on Tuesday next week March 22nd and 23rd. This year the expo is in Orlando at the Orange County Convention Center. Sweet for me as it's an easy 90 minute drive from my new home in Tampa :)...
ICI Podcast 354 – Understand The Full Psycle Indoor Cycling Studio Franchise
There's a new option for prospective Indoor Cycling Studio Owners to consider - purchasing a franchise license from a proven & profitable studio vs. creating a new business from scratch. Studio owner Paul Harmeling with Full Psycle Indoor Cycling joins me...
Top 5 reasons your fitness class should a “politics free zone”
We've got another election year here in the USA. Based on what I see on my Facebook feed, I get the sense that there's a few Instructors* out there that might be thinking, OH GOODY! I've got a captive group of people riding in front of me. My "peeps" see me as a...
ICI Podcast 353 – When Is It Time For Your Second Studio?
I can't remember ever talking to a new studio owner, who didn't express the dream to open & own a second... and possibly a third studio once their first was established. Which raises an interesting question... When is the right time to open a 2nd studio? And...
New Indoor Cycles Coming This Fall From Core Health & Fitness – Star Trac
Fresh off the split between Mad Dogg Athletics and Core Health & Fitness - Star Trac, I received this press release promoting their new (?) lineup of Indoor Cycles... Core Health & Fitness To Introduce New Indoor Group Cycles VANCOUVER, WA. September 29, 2015...
ICI Podcast 350 – Understanding Fitness Club & Studio Air Quality Issues
I asked the other day; how's the quality of the air in your studio? I've been in my share of Indoor Cycling studios where, by the end of class, the air is so thick with humidity that you can no longer see yourself in the mirrors. The room stinks and every breath feels...
Studio Air Quality Survey – Add Your Experience Today
I'm learning that many small/boutique fitness studios are located in spaces designed as offices or small retailers. Businesses with a handful of sedentary people, sitting at a desk. The building's HVAC system isn't typically optimised for all the CO2 and moisture...
This might be the start of trouble in IC music land
The music industry is figuring out that a great Indoor Cycling class is built on a fabulous playlist. Now they're making noises that they feel they should be charging fitness studios a higher rate for their commercial performance licenses... SoulCycle IPO Highlights...
Interesting Marketing Info – Why Women Prefer To Ride Indoors
Understanding WHY something "is" the way it "is" is fascinating to me. Outdoor road riders tend to be predominantly men... and Indoor Cycling participants are far and away women. So why is that? OK, I already know why - outdoor cycling has an element of risk that's...
Meet Fatima Batook – Spinning® Studio owner in Saudi Arabia
Barbara Hoots suggested that I share this article from Fluff Magazine about fitness entrepreneur Fatima Batook. She and her partner have opened Studio 55 - a women's only fitness studio in Saudi Arabia 🙂 Meet Saudi Arabia's Female Fitness Pioneer Fatima Batook is the...
Would You Invest In SoulCycle?
SoulCycle is preparing to go public with an IPO later this year. Indoor cycling fitness chain SoulCycle Holdings LLC has hired investment banks for a U.S. initial public offering expected to come later this year, according to people familiar with the matter....
How Sugar Changed My Elevator Pitch
Do you have an elevator pitch? Mine has changed several times — all necessary. But this post is actually about the emotions that sugar generates. I began with a standard 30-second elevator pitch. Remember that version? It was the original length years ago, but now...
The new SoulCycle iPhone App – It's all about the Instructors and their music
Love 'Em or Hate 'Em, there's no denying that SoulCycle is enormously successful and a driving force that's responsible for much of the excitement our industry. I visited SoulCycle last fall and participated in a few classes. The purpose was to accurately report on...
Resisting Weight Loss
Participant resistance was such a big part of running a weight-loss program, I didn”™t even realize it was a thing to write about (if that makes any sense). It just went with the territory. “Resist” has many synonyms: oppose, battle, combat, duel, fight back, put up a...
Where's the new SoulCycle iPhone App?
I'll bet somebody at Apple/iTunes is getting an ear-full this morning... SoulCycle sent out an email this morning, announcing their new iPhone App. The email included this link to their App in the iTunes store... which of course opens in iTunes so you can download the...
ICI Podcast 341 – Follow Up On IHRSA With Cameron Chinatti With Stages Indoor Cycling
Master Educator Cameron Chinatti with Stages Indoor Cycling joins me for a fun followup to their very successful IHRSA convention where they launched the new Stages SC3 Indoor Cycle. We've got a bunch of videos that relate to my interview, which you'll find below. One...
Annual meeting of Cycling Studio Owners?
John, I feel we need an official organization of Cycling Studio Owners + an annual conference where we can all meet and learn from each other. I've heard this dozens of times from Studio Owners, including this past IHRSA and last month at our Full Psycle/PRO PIQ...
Pearl iZumi's 2015 line of Women's and Men's cycling apparel
Long time* ICI/PRO sponsor Pearl iZumi just announced their 2015 line of Women's and Men's cycling apparel! We get a 40% discount on everything they make! New members may want to check out our special access to the Pearl iZumi PRO Purchase program. Here's the basic...