Indoor Cycling Class As One Long Climb – Very Nice!

Q Factor – What is it and should you care?

You will be hearing more about "Q Factor" from Spinning® / Star Trac so I thought you may appreciate knowing what it is, in case it comes up in conversation. Q Factor (also know as Tread) is simply the separation/distance between the two pedal cranks of a bicycle or...
Indoor Cycling Class As One Long Climb – Very Nice!


By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas and ICG® Marketing & Product Director Gary Warren Forward Motion Video was first produced for, and used in, Indoor Cycling classes in the form of DVDs. DVDs paved the way for production companies like Virtual Active to bring...
Indoor Cycling Class As One Long Climb – Very Nice!

Why is Sally Edwards dressed up as a couch potato?

To demonstrate the point that inside every "couch potato" is a Triathlete. I found this interview video of Sally Edwards very entertaining and motivating. I have forwarded it to my Indoor Cycling Class participants. Click the link or the picture to watch it 🙂...