Last weekend Amy and I were in a Spinning class at a Life Time Fitness in Scottsdale. The instructor's playlist was a series of YouTube videos she played off her iPhone. The class was very cool... and all I could think about was how much my class would love this...
Is this legal?
I've been looking online and I'm reading a number of different opinions that go either way.
What's your take on this?
Originally posted 2011-03-03 19:08:14.
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It is illegal ! Even if you use your own DVD is it illegal, it is indicate on it.
It is really time to legiferate this problem.
As in a lot of hight tech area legislation are lacking,unrealistic or just protect the wrong person.
Watch who are those who pay for illegal use … individual person never a “compagny” or “organisation” that help or just deliver the datas.
It is the same if you use pictures … unless theyr are your own one you can not.
I am not sure if it is legal or not but I am not a fan of video classes. I feel video classes are much to visual and the students soon forget form and just focus on the screen. With all the high tech information around us 24/7 it is nice to get away from it during our cycle classes.
Hi John,
Funny you should ask this! I was JUST thinking this afternoon about doing a class with YouTube videos and asked my class tonight if it was something they would enjoy. They thought it would be cool and something different – they also enjoy the Global Ride videos (especially Hawaii…we’re sick of all the snow and ice) I “teach” a 90-min. “cue-free”, unstructured cycling class every other Friday night that has attracted many different levels (no beginners) of indoor & outdoor riders because they have the freedom to train as they wish. We still workout as a class, but everyone does their own thing. I am VERY present, on & off the bike, no mic, I check HR monitors, check in briefly with my riders, fill water bottles etc.. Great ride without the structure. I think the YouTube class will be fun change for all 🙂
I disagree!!!
I personally “buy” every music video and dvd that I use. We do not charge extra for the class, and in fact, I promote each band and movie I use!! I don’t agree with using youtube, because the band is not getting paid. I feel that by presenting the video, and using it for motivation, I could possibly increase music and/or video sales for a particular artist.
As far as the motivation, I can attest to the fact that, if coached right, students will work HARDER!! I know that from my own heart rate monitor data, and those of my students. You just have to pick the right video, and explain the objective for the song, just like you would in any other class! Case in point: I can outline an amazing video interpretation of New Year’s “How Big is Your Why?” that got a standing ovation and I was asked to present it to corporate. The combination of videos and messages were extremely powerful, and it was a 40 minute continuous hill climb!
Another important factor is: you *might* actually draw a student that would normally be too afraid of a standard ICI class. I have several of those, and I see them working harder and harder each time. Magic happens when you face your bike the same direction as theirs, watch something together, and challenge each other together!
All that being said, I only do 2 video classes a month. The first Thursday is “Cycle Synergy” which is a little more challenging, and I just use music videos. The third Thursday is “Cycle Cinema” which is mostly movie clips set to music, with pivotal dialogue when needed. (Seriously, how hard are you going to pedal when you are being chased by a T-Rex from Jurassic Park for 45 seconds or trying to outrun that crazy boulder-ball thing from Indiana Jones? It’s just crazy fun too!!
In closing, I don’t believe in “Video Babysitting”! I won’t have a “Lady Gaga” or “Bruno Mars” just because it’s a cool tune and it takes the focus off of me. The skill lies in engaging more of the senses…. and as Schwinn would label, “dissociation”. You find your power not only in the music and lyrics, but in the visual. You can harness that inner strength, and go beyond what you think is possible. If you don’t believe me, let me send you the “Live Strong” video class I did for the Lance Armstrong Foundation…
You make some very good points! but the clubs in my area use the video classes as a source of entertainment “video babysitting” I have taken a few classes at our larger clubs in the area and actually walked out of one class after 60 minutes of “lady Gaga”, “Pink” and “Justin Berber” songs. The younger crowd had their eyes on the video and paying no attention to gear or rpm. I have done a class using the bike portion of the Ironman video which everyone enjoyed, I imagine it was something along the lines of your “Live Strong” class. Where can I find the “Live Strong” CD?
I guess what really bugs me is everywhere you go our society (US) there is a video/TV from running on a treadmill, pumping gas, attending church, waiting in line a your local grocery store, seating in your dentist’s chair, waiting for train and of course on your itouch, iphone,ipad 24/7 . Alas, which is a discussion for another forum.
In reading my previous comments from last night, I feel it is unclear what I actually “Disagree” with. (sorry)
Let me clarify…
I disagree with using You Tube video. I think using videos purchased from iTunes still pays the artist, and as far as legality goes, what’s the difference between using the song or the video?
I also disagree with the statement that teaching with video is a distraction and/or students will forget form and not work as hard. THAT might be true, if you are not still engaging them as an instructor. (and who is to say that students don’t get distracted or slack a little during a standard class?)
I teach with video twice a month because it is, quite simply, FUN!! I coach each song as if it were a regular class, ie: intervals, climbs etc.
Kristy, I really like your idea of the Hawaii rides, and Hally the IronMan is a GREAT idea!!
As always, the most important motivator is the instructor, and I think as long as we don’t lose sight of that, everything is fine. Hally your point about being surrounded by video 24/7 is valid!! I hate it too!! But I’m happier with that student being in my class watching it while exercising as opposed to watching it while sitting on the couch at home!
@Hally, for the Lance movie I put together, I used clips from the Tour de France, part of a Lance documentary, and the song “Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow” by Wide Awake, which is where the line: “Live Strong” came from. It was pretty cool!
Great ideas & comments Kerri & Hally!
I am a musician and I also buy my music/music videos to support the cause. When I first considered doing “YouTube” class I wasn’t thinking about just bringing my computer/itouch in and just streaming the videos. There are a lot of visually striking videos out there (free/paid) that I was considering using. Videos that I thought would “enhance” my Friday night 90-min. Endurance class. I do not listen to much pop, don’t like to teach with it; my cycling classes are done mostly to music with little or no words (trance/electronic) because I want my students to LISTEN (from the inside out) to how their bodies are responding to a given workload. Also, during my “cue-free” class I am aware before we even start (and DURING the ride) what each individuals goal is for the night (endurance, recovery, practice hills/flats). I have a couple of friends training for a tri who come in and alternate workloads for 90-min.and have a ball! It’s really a class where cyclists and non-cyclists can work (judgment free for some) on a specific skill, cadence/HR Zones/flats/climbs, or not! I am still putting together what I hope will be an inspiring video collage (aka YouTube night) that will not take away from but enhance EVERYONE’S ride. I agree ten-fold with everything you both have brought up and love your ideas! It’s obvious we are all passionate about what we do! Take Care 🙂
I think you
All may need to check your license agreement with iTunes. Certainly in Australia the iTunes agreement says you may only play music for personal use.this means not in class or any other public arena. In Australia you must pay public performance fees through APRA and ppca to play licensed music. There is a long discussion posted over Christmas that John could link to this thread. I would imagine you tube is similar in how its user agreement. Basically you are risking prosecution and o is your centre if you play music and videos that you haven’t paid a performance fee for.