Kay Mamo Zoning Specialist

If you're anything like me, good ideas are easy to come by - especially when it comes to "ideas" about how to improve my class, changes (desperately) needed at our studio and new formats / programming we should be introducing as new classes.

But unfortunately many of those fabulous ideas of mine are never realized... and it's typically my fault.


Because I hadn't invested the effort to really think through everything and then formally present my "idea" as an actual "plan" to management. In the past I've figured that my "idea" was so good, that I could just throw it at my Dept Head and she'd run with it. Doesn't work that way.

The person you report to (Manager/Dept Head/Owner) also has a boss, or at the very least a partner. They need to be well armed with the details of your plan, before they will even consider discussing your "idea" with upper management.

ICI/PRO member and Zoning Specialist Kay Mamo successfully worked through this process and was rewarded with her very-own new class on the schedule. Kay and I discuss the steps she took in this episode of the Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast.

Kay has provided a template you can use to bring detail to your idea. You can download it here. NOTE: Kay's plan is specific to the introduction of a Boot Camp that include a Zoning 30 minute cardio session. Feel free to change it up to reflect your dream class 🙂

You can learn more about Kay over at ZoningFitness.com

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