This Podcast is was originally published on March 26, 2009, I have updated it with our new Podcast host information and I am representing it now. I hope you enjoy it, Joey

iSpinning™, the new iPhone® App, along with the SMHEART LINK™ is coming to your studio soon!

Here's the link to the new Class Builder iPhone App for Spinning Instructors.

As an Indoor Cycling Instructor, I feel it will be helpful for you to have some understanding of how it works and the value it can bring to you and your Spinning class.

Michael Williams, the CEO of iTMP Technology, is my guest for episode #40.  Can you believe 40? Michael and I discuss his personal inspiration and fitness journey that lead to the development of the iSpinning iPhone app. iTMP also is offering other iPhone fitness apps; iRPM, iBPM and the iNewLeaf app that brings your Heart Rate Training Zones from your latest Metabolic assessment right into your iPhone or iPod touch.

Listen to the Podcast below or subscribe for free using iTunes or Zune.

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