K studio photo

Spinning® Instructor and Zoning Specialist Kay Mamo presents our latest class profile; Just The Ride I Needed.

I”™m a personal trainer (ISSA) and group exercise instructor.  I”™m certified to teach more than a half dozen indoor cycling methodologies as well as certified to teach Heart Zones® and the new 3-zone system, ZONING â„¢  fitness, created by Sally Edwards.

I”™ve found that introducing my riders to ZONING and offering the use of BLINK heart rate monitors, provided by our facility (purchased from ZONING fitness), simplifies tracking the intensity of a workout.  The Blink monitors have LED lights that flash BLUE, YELLOW or RED.  In a class, we can run through a couple of easy field tests and determine how to set each person”™s 3 zones.  The Blue zone intensity is a heart rate that is below T1 (The first ventilatory threshold).    The Yellow zone is the range of heart rates between T1 and T2 (The second ventilatory threshold).  The Red zone is above T2. Details can be found at www.ZONINGfitess.com.

Just The Ride I Needed - cue sheet with Spinning Symbols.

Just The Ride I Needed - full description.

Kay's Spotify Playlist and in Deezer

Listen to Kay's presentation below or you'll find it in your iTunes feed.


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