Darcy Knoblich Interview

Click to visit darcyknoblich.com

Meet Spinning® Instructor/Personal Trainer and Fitness blogger Darcy Knoblich!

Darcy is doing a fabulous job connecting with participants and other instructors, while promoting herself online through her website darcyknoblich.com.

I really enjoyed interviewing Darcy and I hope you enjoy listening to her passion for helping others 🙂

Our goal for this Podcast was to help motivate Instructors (that could be you) to get active online. There are multiple online tools available that are free and easy to use, like the blogging platform WordPress.com or Blogger.com.

UPDATE: A great promotional tool you could should leverage is creating your Instructor profile on indoorcyclinginstructorjobs.com where you can post your resume. Wouldn't it be awesome to get a call from an interested studio owner?

Your website may just include some info about you, your class format and your scheduled classes. Or you could really get into it and post your playlists, training information, feature some of your favorite participants or one of the Instructors on your team!

During our conversation I mentioned that I had started a blog back in 2008 - it was actually Spring of 2007. I checked and it's still there indoorcycletraining.blogspot.com/

Listen to Darcy's interview below or and never miss an episode.



Originally posted 2013-09-03 09:25:47.

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