Spinning Indoor Cycling Graduate-School

Next year should include Caps and Gowns

Between sessions last weekend Master Instructor Cameron Chinatti took me aside and told me how impressed she was with the quality of Instructors at the conference. Wanting for you to hear it first hand, I invited Cameron back for a post conference interview for the latest episode of the ICI Podcast.

We also discussed Cameron's BIG RIDE where she had everyone working together as teams of 4 on the new FreeMotion S11.9 Indoor Cycles with Power.

The one hour video of the Saturday night BIG RIDE is now available for you at this link.

Coming to ICI/PRO Members Oct 10th - Cameron and I recorded a special PRO Podcast where she explains how she uses this format to introduce Power in a fun and inviting setting.

ICI/PRO members will be able to download Cameron's complete PROfile.pdf so you can introduce this class to your club or studio as early as next week.

Originally posted 2011-10-07 14:32:07.

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