Free Spinning Class Music from ICI/PRO
This young band from Charlottesville, Virginia has a great sound. They are touring with Michelle Branch and the Goo Goo Dolls this summer and we will hear a lot more from them in the future. I first heard this tune on XM radio and felt a flat jammin”™ road needing to happen. Parachute”™s “Something to Believe In” from there The Way It Was CD is 4:44 of pure 86 rpm motivating goodness. It has a great bass line (it makes me once again wish I played the bass) and a few nice sax rips as well. I am currently using this in as a break from climbing in the middle of my ride, holding a zone 3 flat rode workout. Enjoy!

Here's the Spotify link

Nothing available from Parachute, but how about this for your free track?

Rihanna - Cold Case Love (raw epic riddim grind edit) by Rawepic

Amy Macgowan

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