You can tan from a can-can!

You can tan from a can-can!

Do any of you remember Sudden Tan by Coppertone? Research shows it was the cosmetic industry's first attempt at self tanner. And a failed attempt it and streaky and so obviously fake! I think I could still name a few people that used it in high school!...
You can tan from a can-can!

The Skinny on Skin

You know how it can be challenging as Indoor Cycling Instructors to convince those in the weight room that it's important to cardio train in addition to lifting? Sometimes it's the same way for me about skin care, sunscreen and convincing people of our skin's...
You can tan from a can-can!

Minimal Minerals

If you are anything like me, a little bit of help to look and feel your best when heading out to teach/ coach your class is welcome. But, when it comes to make up, I'd rather err on the side of too little than too much, not only in how it feels on my skin, but also in...
You can tan from a can-can!

Welcome to ‘PRO Style’!

THERE ARE NO UGLY PEOPLE... JUST LAZY ONES (Chinese proverb) Hi and welcome to the very first 'PRO Style' post.  I'm so glad you're here!  As we start out together, I thought it might be helpful to do the 'what' and 'why' thing and then a little about me: So, 'what'...