It wouldn't be The Ultimate anything without over $4,000* in cash and fabulous prizes!
Our Grand (First) prize winner will receive $1315.00 in cash and prizes!
One week All-Inclusive accommodations where you are the Fitness Professional at your choice* of 65 Caribbean resorts for you, an adult guest and up to two children - but I suggest leaving them at home if you can 🙂 Up to a $600.00 value depending on your resort choice.
$500 cash from ICG® Indoor Cycling Group
One Enhanced Yearly Membership to ($69 value)
Instructor Gear Bag and one year membership to ICI/PROâ„¢ ($150 value)
Your profile recorded, published and celebrated as The Ultimate Instructor Class Profile (Priceless!)
As a bonus, every Instructor who enters will receive a $25.00 digital download of's new Race Day Video: Pensacola Stage Race
Second Place will receive $525.00 in cash and prizes!
- $300 cash from ICI/PRO
- One year subscription to (formally ($50 value)
- Instructor Gear Bag and one year membership to ICI/PRO ($150 value)
-'s new Race Day Video: Pensacola Stage Race
- Your profile recorded, published and celebrated (Priceless!)
Third Place will receive $450.00 in prizes!
- - Online Certification voucher ($225 value)
- One year subscription to (formally ($50 value)
- Instructor Gear Bag and one year membership to ICI/PRO ($150 value)
-'s new Race Day Video: Pensacola Stage Race
- Your profile recorded, published and celebrated (Priceless!)
Fourth and Fifth Prize will receive $225.00 in prizes!
- One year subscription to (formally ($50 value)
- Instructor Gear Bag and one year membership to ICI/PRO ($150 value)
-'s new Race Day Video: Pensacola Stage Race
- Your profile recorded, published and celebrated (Priceless!)
* Prize totals are based on an anticipated 100 contest entries - subject to change.
* Resort location choices depend on your Fitness Instructor certifications and availability. Indoor Cycling only Instructors have 7 resorts where you can teach including; Montego Bay, Jamaica and Los Cabos, Mexico!
You can create a free profile and view the specific resorts at