Frequently Asked Questions

Hey John, where can do you happen to know?
I get a lot of questions each week from Instructors and those who would like to become Instructors. After 3 1/2 years of telling my self; we really need a FAQ page.
So here it is 🙂
1) The number one question I'm asked is; where should I get certified as an Instructor?
My suggestion is to start with the club/studio where you would like to teach and ask them what they require for new Instructors, before they will hire them. Many clubs require a national certification from an organization like ACE or AFFA - not just a one or two day orientation from Spinning, Keiser, Schwinn, Cycling Fusion, ICG, STAGES, etc... Once you have learned this requirement you can then visit Indoor Cycling Instructor Certification for links and contact information.
I feel it's very important to meet with the manager or owner (in person if possible) and explain that you are interested in becoming an instructor. Most managers will be happy to tell you their requirements, while you get a feel for if this is a person you would like to work with.
2) How do I get an ICI/PRO certification?
Unfortunately you can't. ICI/PRO is a supplemental education provider for Indoor Cycling Instructors, but we don't offer a certification.