"Hey John, where are all the missing Podcasts?"
It”™s a question I get a lot from new subscribers to the Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast and ICI/PRO members alike. When you look at the Podcast listing in iTunes today (3/24/11) you only see back to episode # 55 … here”™s why:
The iTunes Podcast Directory will only display 40 individual Podcast listings, the rest are essentially lost and not available for download to your computer or iPod.
To help those of you wanting these lost episodes, I have bundled what I feel are the very best 22 Podcasts that you can purchase & download for only $9.95 - less than 50 cents per episode.
These lost Podcast episodes are included as a FREE bonus to ICI/PRO Platinum Yearly Members.
Here is the link [private_PRO-Platinum] FREE Download [/private_PRO-Platinum]
Includes an option to use PayPal

This was the old Podcast iTunes badge
This is over 10 hours of informative entertainment that is as valuable today as it was when they were first published. I consider these a must listen for any Indoor Cycling Instructor looking to improve their class. Many familiar voices were first introduced to our Indoor Cycling Community in these early episodes including; Tom Scotto, Barbara Hoots, Dr Haley Perlus and Gene Nacey.
Here”™s all the missing Podcasts included in this download:
My personal favorites are shown in blue.
ICI Podcast #1- Do you deserve a vacation? (6:24) My very first Podcast was recorded August 3rd 2008. With the help of my guest, Suzelle Snowden from Fit Bodies Inc. and their Fitness Pro Travel service, you don”™t need a lot of money to enjoy a week teaching and relaxing at some of the most beautiful all-exclusive-resorts in the Caribbean.
ICI Podcast #4 - The difference between knowing and guessing (22:24) Jessica Christensen with New Leaf Fitness explains Metabolic Testing and its value for the participants in an Indoor Cycling Class.
ICI Podcast # 5 - Ten Steps to Building Your Class Numbers (18:52) Summer is over and people are starting to move back indoors. Will they be adding your class to their schedule? Here are Ten Steps to Building Your Class Numbers that you may find helpful.
ICI Podcast # 7 - Sally Edwards Talks Heart Zones Training (19:54) Sally Edwards, the originator of Heart Zones Training, and I discuss the origin of Zone based Heart Rate Training. Sally explains its importance to conducting an effective Indoor Cycling Class and the fallacy of age based Max Heart Rate charts and formula.
ICI Podcast # 11 - Fraser Quelch from Fitness Anywhere (28:47) This is still on my Top Five list of all-time favorite interviews. Fraser Quelch and I discuss his Storm Training System approach to structuring an Indoor Cycling Class and the importance of getting your class participants connected to each other.
ICI Podcast #13 — Dr. Haley Perlus on Conquering Instructor Burnout (34:10)Dr Perlus is a doctor of sport and exercise psychology. We discuss what is Instructor Burnout? What causes it? How can you conquer it?
ICI Podcast #15 -Angie Sturtevant talks training with power! (45:59) Angie Sturtevant, Jennifer Sage and I discuss training with power. Angie is the CycleOps Power Master Training Specialist.
ICI Podcast # 17 - Dr. Alinda Perrine - Heart Zones Red Jersey/Shirt Master Trainer (18:40) I completed Indoor Cycling Certification Levels 1 and 2 from Heart Zones USA. The presenter was Dr. Alinda Perrine and we discuss Heart Rate training.
ICI Podcast #19 - Keiser Master Trainer Suzette O”™Byrne (33:20) Suzette joins me to discuss the Keiser M3 and their Foundations certification program.
ICI Podcast #25 - Spinning Instructor Jesse Piersol explains how to tell a good story (31:52) Jesse Piersol is a frequent contributor to the Spinning Newsletter. We discuss how her Literally Speaking article on how to apply literary and public speaking concepts in your Indoor Cycling Class.
ICI Podcast #34 — Tom Scotto & Stage 5 Cycling Instructor Certification (25:03) Tom Scotto and I discuss his Indoor Cycling Certification program that focuses on proven "Road Cycling" coaching and training techniques.
ICI Podcast #35 - Are you a Balanced Instructor? (26:30) Dr.Haley Perlus joins me again to discuss the three components of teaching an effective and entertaining class; Foundation, Presentation and Media.
ICI Podcast #38 - Monetize your passion for Indoor Cycling and turn it into cash - Pt 1 (39:55) Graeme Street with Cyclo-Club joins me to discuss his Three steps to monetize your passion for Indoor Cycling and turn it into cash.
ICI Podcast #38 - Monetize your passion for Indoor Cycling and turn it into cash — Pt2 (27:09) Graeme Street with Cyclo-Club joins me to discuss his Three steps to monetize your passion for Indoor Cycling and turn it into cash.
ICI Podcast # 39 — Monetizing Your Passion - put in practice. (26:26) Gene Nacey”™s Global Ride Studio offers a training product for cyclists that is exactly like what Graeme Street described last week.
ICI Podcast #42 - Q & A with Master Spinning Instructor Mark Tickner Pt 1 (36:53) This is part 1 of my interview with Mark Tickner. We discuss the questions submitted by members of our community.
ICI Podcast #43 - Q & A with Master Spinning Instructor Mark Tickner Pt 2 (28:26) This is part 2 of my interview with Mark Tickner. We discuss the questions submitted by members of our community.
ICI Podcast #44 - Q & A with Master Spinning Instructor Michelle Colvin (29:00) Master Spinning Instructor Michelle Colvin joins me as part 3 of my interview with Mark Tickner.
ICI Podcast #45 - Research into the psychological effects of heart rate training (21:02) Future MD & Spinning Instructor Melissa Marotta joins me to discuss her research into the psychological effects of heart rate training as it applies to Self-Efficacy -- that is, one's belief in one's own ability to navigate the challenges of one's world.
ICI Podcast #47 - Dennis Keiser Talks Indoor Cycling with Power and the M3 (51:22) Dennis Keiser joins me to discuss the physics of Indoor Cycling along with the advances Keiser has developed with the M3 Indoor Cycling bike.
ICI Podcast #51 - ACE Promotes Safe, Effective Indoor Cycling Classes (27:56) Karen Asp, a health and fitness writer and ACE-certified fitness professional joins me to discuss her article about creating safe and effective Indoor Cycling Classes.
ICI Podcast #52 - Barbara Hoots on Six Ways To Grow Your Indoor Cycling Class (29:18) Star 3 Spinning Instructor Barbara Hoots and I discuss her Six Ways To Grow Your Indoor Cycling Class.