When he's not running the business, Joe (on the right) rides with his customers.

When he's not running the business, Joe (on the right) rides with his customers.

I love sharing the emails Amy and I receive from our boss - CycleQuest Studio owner Joe Ducosin 🙂

Hi everyone,

Thanks to all of you for continuing to be part of the CycleQuest Studio instructor team. This is the busiest time of the indoor cycling season where attendance is going to be at its highest over the next few months so we need to continue to provide the best workout experience in our classes to maintain a high customer return rate.

Here is my quarterly reminder of instructor expectations and tips on creating a positive workout atmosphere at the studio. I know the list is long but please read through them. Thanks!

  • Don't just instruct, anyone can get in front of the class, play music and run through drills. Inspire, encourage, interact, create a "motivating positive atmosphere", know what the class wants; make it fun!
  • Stay connected with your instruction, let the class know what they should be doing every moment; emphasize certain key parts of a song for motivational effect. How long are the intervals? How long to the end of the drill? Are you ending with the song?
  • For new customers give options to long climbs out of the saddle, isolations, quick jumps, long upper body arm workouts.
  • Drills I discourage: 1) clipping out of a pedal to use only one leg - riders tend to put their free foot on the frame of the bike which scratches the paint and they end up knocking their water bottle on the floor. Also the pedal can easily hit their shin on the backstroke if they let their leg hang free. 2) Pedaling backwards — this causes the drive belt to wear incorrectly and track wrong. 3) Using dumbbell weights on the bike.
  • Articulate other aspects of fitness while instructing; consistency, diet, nutrition, cross training, goals, and competitive events.
  • Learn rider’s names. Introduce yourself, use MBO and the sign in sheet or go around the class and have them introduce themselves. This is the best way to make that personal connection.
  • Keep your playlists and drills fresh. Use the clean version of songs. I know there will be times when curse words slip through, just try to minimize them. Check out Spotify the premium version for $9.99/month, a great alternative or complement to iTunes. I just recently made the monthly investment and am using Spotify consistently. Here is a great article on the getting started - https://www.indoorcycleinstructor.com/icipro-instructor-resources/the-art-of-finding-new-music-in-spotify/ and browse to www.indoorcycleinstructor.com to read more articles by John and Amy Macgowan on what Spotify is all about.
  • Monitor the studio temperature with the display in the stereo cabinet. Open the back door only wide enough keep the max temp at 72 with fuller classes. If the studio temp drops below 68 the door needs to be closed again. The back door should only be opened to get in fresh air in and slightly cool down the studio. Take charge on regulating the studio temperature and the back door. When the studio is colder than 64 degrees wait a few songs until everyone is warmed up before turning on fans.
  • Before playing a DVD movie get approval from me. No rated R movies and for PG-13 watch the segments you will play to see what might be inappropriate. If there is inappropriate dialog do not turn on the closed caption.
  • When setting up new customers on the bike be sure to explain the computer, what they should expect during the class, options, what their challenges are being new and proper form. Proper leg extension and seat fore/aft position are the most important parts of the setup. Let me know if you have any questions on this topic.
  • ALWAYS use the headset mic! This is a requirement. Having everyone in the class hear you at all times without having to yell is key to a great workout experience. Ask the person furthest away can hear your voice through the mic can be heard. If you are not comfortable using the headset mic please consult with me. There are two headset mic's - channels 1 and 2 on the soundboard. Let me know if you need help understanding how to use the board properly. When the mic starts to give a heavy echo typically the foam end piece is full of sweat and will have to be dried out using a paper towel.
  • Music sound level - Be aware of keeping the music level appropriate for creating a "motivating workout atmosphere". Ask the class how the sound level is and adjust per their feedback. You should be constantly turning up the sound level to emphasize a certain motivating essence of a song, like feeling the driving beat, and then turning the sound level down to give instruction. When giving small talk be sure to turn your music down. Having the music too loud is just as de-motivating as too soft.
  • Thefts in building - It has been reported that there were attempted break-ins in a few of the offices of our building. If helping at the front desk and the front desk area is going to be unattended please close the front studio door when classes are in session as many customers leave their coats, jackets and boots by the front door.
  • Announcements - Continue to talk about what is happening at the studio from the announcement sheet on the instructor bike. Encourage everyone to use the small fitness studio to stretch or get in a light workout before or after class when a personal training or group strength class is not in session.
  • Try to arrive to the studio at least 15 minutes before the start of class to help with bike setup and meet new customers.
  • Address studio etiquette to customers when needed: do not answer cell phone in class, keep personal discussions to a minimum so as not to disrupt the class (loud and consistent conversation not related to the current workout), being respectful.

As you can see, a "motivating and positive workout atmosphere" is the theme I am driving home here. Thanks for taking the time to review my expectations and let me know of any concerns you have with the topics listed above.



Originally posted 2013-02-12 05:46:35.


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