Recover Faster

Recover Faster

Whenever I think of recovering faster, I hear my dad in the back of my head telling me to sleep faster when I only had 4 hours until the morning. I by no means want you to start short changing your recovery time nor trying to psychologically speed up the process.  I...
Recover Faster

Objectify Your Class

Short of provoking a sexual harassment suit, this maybe the best way to get your class excited about what you have in store for them. I”™m grateful because my riders often take the time to leave comment cards at the club”™s front desk after class and my group fitness...
Recover Faster

Putting the Warm-Up to the Test

The beginning of class can be disjointed at times. Riders are trying to get settled. Some people are still chatting (loudly) and we are trying to establish that official “class has started” moment. Then 5 new people show up and need to be setup on their bikes....