How’s my volume?

How’s my volume?

By Jennifer Lintz, Registered Dietitian and ICI/PRO Member Soigneur There is no question that in the group fitness studio - whether it be cycle, strength, yoga or some other modality - music matters. The right song placed at the perfect spot in a class can heighten...
How’s my volume?

I’m new … HELP!

By Jennifer Lintz, Registered Dietitian and ICI/PRO Member Soigneur Recently I received a message from one of our members in need of a little assistance: "I'm pretty new to this spin instruction thing and I'm looking for new class ideas and routines that aren't based...
How’s my volume?

I <3 Spotify Radio

By Jennifer Lintz, Registered Dietitian and ICI/PRO Member Soigneur Now that I'm finally on Spotify, there is one feature that I particularly appreciate: Spotify Radio. Pre-Spotify, this was my process for finding new music and creating playlists: Listen to Pandora....
How’s my volume?

FREE Food from Good Greens!

As PRO Member Soigneur, one of my responsibilities is the care and feeding of our members. I assumed any “feeding” that took place would be strictly informational, but I”™ve actually got something edible (and free) for you to try. A company called Good Greens has a...