goodgreenbarsAs PRO Member Soigneur, one of my responsibilities is the care and feeding of our members. I assumed any “feeding” that took place would be strictly informational, but I”™ve actually got something edible (and free) for you to try. A company called Good Greens has a variety of superfood-rich bars — made with the health-conscious consumer in mind — and is offering you a free sample.

The short, fast way to understanding the company and its products is to watch this 30-second clip. And, just because it's neat, be sure to do some clicking and scrolling through the rest of their site.

Even though the founder created Good Greens with his daughter in mind, the bars make a great option for anyone in need of a quick, healthy snack. In my opinion, nothing will ever replace the simple goodness of fresh fruit and vegetables, but for folks who are running short on time — or maybe just don”™t care much for the real stuff — Good Greens provides a nice solution in a wide array of tasty flavors.

Interested? Request a sample at this link. Just click on "Free Sample Sign Up," select the flavor you'd like, enter your shipping information, and you're set!

If, after enjoying a free sample, you decide you want more, use their store locator to see if the bars are sold anywhere near you. Boxes can also be purchased in their online store and shipped directly to your door.

Jennifer Lintz
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