Out and back spinning class

Out and Back Attack Audio PROfile Description

This is a fun ride that simulates leading your class out to a specific point and then turning around and leading them back home.  It gives you an opportunity to creatively engage your class with the types of terrain, possible obstacles, or sites that your riders might encounter along the way.  I coach it much like I am telling the class a story.  I add the challenge of a negative split (riding the second half faster than the first) which is something I often incorporate in my classes.  For more information on the term “negative split”, you can listen to Audio PROfile Podcast #120 and/or read what Joe Friel has to say about negative splits on his blog.

Out and Back Attack PROfile download to print.


Here's your Spotify PRO/Playlist!  Deezer. We have made every attempt to replicate the original playlist. In some instances the tracks specified were unavailable in Spotify. When necessary we have substituted individual songs of similar length and tried to maintain the Instructor's intent.

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