oneyearold indoor cycle instructor podcast

I'm celebrating the one year anniversary of the Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast! Thank you to everyone who participated or listened over the past year.

When I  started this Podcast, I was a bit concerned that I would run out of things to talk about. I mean really, Indoor Cycling is such a simple thing. What could I possibly talk about beyond 8 - 10 shows?

Boy was I wrong! I ended the first year with 53 episodes + some videos. If I had the time and additional resources, I could have easily produced twice that number of Podcast.

STAY TUNED! I'm going to be announcing some exciting changes coming here at the end of this month.

Here's a hint: Do you consider yourself a Professional Indoor Cycling Instructor? If so let me know by posting a comment.

* If you aren't receiving the weekly email newsletter consider joining us by signing up below.

Originally posted 2009-08-11 10:23:21.


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