That shuffle button stays right there on the top.

That shuffle button stays right there on the top.

I was greeted by another Spotify update this morning and see they've added a new way to accidentally screw up your class 🙁

Forgive me if you have already experienced this Spotify update. I might be a few days late reporting the change - I've been using the new Schwinn Class Tamer app and wanted to use a past Spotify playlist today.

That big Shuffle Play button sits there at the top, taunting you to inadvertently touch it (or drip on it) and mix up your song order. It won't go away. Swipe up or down to scroll through the playlist to see what's next and that dang button stays right there at the top. Who thought that would be a good idea?

I do like the white on black fonts - they're a bit easier for me to see/read - but still the same frustratingly tiny track length time font.

During class this morning it took me a few tries to get out of the Now Playing Info screen. Tapping anywhere on the bar across the top doesn't work anymore - you need to carefully tap the little X in the top-left corner.

For some reason I couldn't see that X this morning.

For some reason I couldn't see that X this morning.


Originally posted 2014-04-03 08:20:34.


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