
Not that big box.

I sent out an email last week, asking:

Do you teach at a Big Box and a Boutique Studio?
By "Big Box" I'm referring to one of the majors with multiple locations; 24 Hour, LA Fitness, Club Sports, Equinox, etc..

If so I'd like to talk to you and (if it makes sense) interview you for the Podcast...

After sorting through over 300 responses (thanks to you all!) I followed up with some additional detail about the topics I was hoping to explore:

What I'm trying to learn from you is:
  • Is teaching at a Big Box different from a small studio?
  • If so, how are you or your classes different?
  • Are you a "different" person/Instructor at each location?
  • Do you enjoy teaching at one vs. the other
  • Do you feel limited and/or empowered at one vs. the other?
  • Are you more motivated to promote and build your class numbers at one over the other?
  • What quick advice would your offer a new instructor on-boarding at either?
”‹Your thoughts?
What I got back from a number of Instructors was amazing and exactly the type of thoughtful responses I was looking for. ICI/PRO is a platform for smart talented people and it looks like I've discovered a few more 🙂 I'm in the process of setting up these interviews and plan to produce them starting next week!
One question I'm seeing I could have asked differently (and will during the interviews) is; do you feel you need to project a different personality at each location? Instead of; are you a "different" person at each location. Of course you're the same person... it's just that over the years I've experienced Instructors who appear to be very different, depending on where I take their class.
Is that true for you?

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