Spotify Your Daily Mix Playlists

Spotify's Your Daily Mix Playlists can be found on your iPhone App, under the Your Library tab.

Chris Hawthorne, AKA Chrispins, joins me to discuss a few new music discovery tools she's using in Spotify. As these Podcasts are only audio, I've included screenshots of where you'll find the Discovery Weekly, Daily Mix and Recommended Songs for a specific playlist.

NOTE: The song recommendations will only display for playlist that you've created - not for a playlist of someone else's you're subscribed.

Listen below and then stay tuned for Chrispins' latest 60 min Audio Profile publishing later this weekend.

You'll find Chrispins at her music blog, on Twitter @chrispins1 and on Spotify where you can add yourself to her awesome subscriber count!

Spotify Discover Weekly Playlist

Spotify Recommended Songs

Scroll down one of your playlists to see additional suggestions & click Refresh for more.

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