I'm hearing from Instructors outside of the USA who are switching from Spotify, over to Deezer.
I have had Spotify for a long time now and have created lots of different playlists. I have recently just converted into using Deezer, however, it would be much easier for my Spotify playlists to be on Deezer instead!
Is this possible? If so, how do i do it?
Cyndie we created an ICI/PRO playlist conversion tool for just this occasion 🙂
Here's the steps to convert your Spotify playlist to one Deezer can play.
Step #1 Open and log in to Deezer in a new tab - clicking this link will do that for you. Note: Deezer is different from Spotify in that Deezer is a web application, vs. Spotify, which is a program that you install on your computer. Yes I know that Spotify also has a web version... I never had much luck using it and suggest you install the full program if you want to run Spotify on a laptop.
Step #2 Clicking this link will open our conversion tool in another tab. Scroll down the page and you should see that you're logged in to Deezer and a Please enter Spotify URI dialog box like this:
If you don't see this click the Log into Deezer link or refresh the conversion tool page.
Step #3 In Spotify, Right Click the playlist you want to convert and select Copy Spotify URI.
Step #4 Back at the conversion tool, Paste the URI you copied and click Convert. It will look like this:
Step #5 Success! Click the link to see your new Deezer playlist 🙂
A few notes:
- Despite a lot of programming time, we weren't able to get Deezer to carry over the name of the playlist from Spotify. Renaming the Deezer playlist is a snap using the edit option shown below.
- Check your new Deezer playlists for accuracy > differences between each service's music library and Meta Data = not every playlist will convert perfectly.
Any other questions?
Feel free to contact us like Cydnie did - we're happy to help.
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yes John only one question or perhaps for me a reminder since you likely explained all this when Deezer became widely available here in the states.
Why does one want to use Deezer?
Hey Chuck – that’s a good question… when Deezer does come to the USA there won’t initially be any compelling reason to switch away from Spotify.
That may change in the future. I see Deezer more open to third party developers = Schwinn, Cycling Fusion or another company may offer apps like Class Tamer / Class Builder that runs Deezer. I don’t have any specific info… that I can share right now.
Thanks John,
For the record, Cycling Fusions Class Builder has been running on both iTunes and Spotify Premium for the better part of 2014. That makes the premium version of Spotify worth it for me.
Keep up the good work.
Chuck do you have a “super secret” version? Mine doesn’t include a Spotify music option.
You can also try checking out musconv.com, it’s a website that allows you to transfer your music from one service to another. – Bangelica
I would recommend MusConv to convert and transfer music and playlists between various music platforms. It’s easy-to-use and would highly recommend it.