Free Spinning Class Music from ICI/PRO
This Friday brings you a 91 bpm flat that John “would never listen to”. However, it grabbed me, and my class liked it a lot last night as we worked sprints.  It has some Michael Jackson flashback sounds (RIP Michael) and we held our working leg speed and high endurance heart rate for a 4:08 steady state break from sprinting.   Chris Brown does a nice job on “She Ain”™t You” from his F.A.M.E. CD.   (By the way, John will end up listening to this when he takes my class on a Saturday morning!)

She Ain't You at Spotify

And here's a fun remix of She Ain't You for your free track - enjoy it, even though John won't.
She Ain't You [DV Remix] - Chris Brown by Funky Dee

Amy Macgowan

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