Free Class Music from ICI/PRO

What constitutes the perfect mid-class recovery song?

For me it needs to combine a mid 90's cadence, something everyone can connect with and a fresh/fun vibe - almost playful maybe?

Nothing too complex, confusing or heady.

A song that says; take it easy, just enjoy your time here right now... because it could will really suck a few minutes from now, once we get into our next effort 🙁

I just discovered this 96 RPM mashup produced by Mashup Germany that combines a very recognizable track Simon & Garfunkel — The Boxer and a song from a band I really enjoy of late The Kooks — Naive.

Let me know if you like it.

Direct download of the mashup Lazy Boxer & Naive Tales or click the Download button on the player to go to their facebook page, like them and download it there.


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