Free Spinning Class Music from ICI/PRO
Wow, have we been enjoying the new Free Motion bikes at our club!  Lately, the first 20 minute stage of our ride has been a long flat stage, building throughout to see what kind of watts we can generate.  Then, a nice recovery before doing the same 20 minute stage, but on a long climb- allowing us to compare watts generated between the two stages.  The Friday Favorite today is the “nice recovery” piece in between the flat and climb stages.  Enigma”™s “In the Shadow, In the Light”, from their Voyageur CD, is a beautiful 5:35, 80 rpm piece that allows riders to recover and prepare for the next challenge ahead.

Happy weekend everyone!

Spotify Link

It's not from Enigma, but a track named Enigma - Paradox which was so beautiful I just had to use it as the free track for this week. Wouldn't this make a wonderful cool-down [wlm_firstname]?

Amy Macgowan

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