Free Class Music from ICI/PRO

Having coffee with a dear friend and ICI/PRO member last week, we discussed the challenges of finding good music at 84-100 rpm”™s.   There seems to be a plethora of great stuff in the 60-70 range for climbing, but not so much in the flats.  So, in the next few weeks, we will put forward some great tunes for flat road riding we hope you will like and find useful in your profiles.

This zippy 3:27 little tune offers up great motivation with 10 seconds coaching time at 1:07 to 1:17, so you can get a few quick words of wisdom in.  At 90 rpm”™s, we will put our riders right in the flat road sweet spot.

Enjoy “Graffiti6 — Never Look Back” from their Colours album:


I couldn't find a free version of Never Look Back (another great reason to get started with Spotify) but here's another track from  Graffiti6 — Stop Mary at 85 rpm that's equally as "zippy".

Amy Macgowan

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