Free Class Music from ICI/PRO
I absolutely have to thank one of my dearest friends, co-instructor and ICI member, Jana, for this week”™s Friday Favorite.  We both love Jamaica, and a little “Reggae” jive.  We were together this week and discussing music.  She has been using this fabulous tune from an American Jewish singer/songwriter for a cool down and her classes have been loving it.  I do too!  Check out Elan Atias and “Step Into the Sunshine” from his “We Are” CD.  It is really good stuff - I love the refrain "If you don't try, the Sun's not going to shine".  It could also make a fun flat (or steady climb) at 85 bpm.
Spotify Link to Step Into the Sunshine

Note from John: Lots of Reggae music falls in that perfect, steady climb cadence in the low 80s RPM. I like to use a little Reggae during my 90 minute endurance classes... especially when I'm back from Jamaica and I still have the rhythm bouncing around my head. Here's a suggestion for your next endurance class, as the free track. Enjoy 🙂

Click here to find the free download link.

Amy Macgowan

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