Free Class Music from ICI/PRO
“Do one thing, every day that scares you”.  Words for today and our Friday Favorite.  A good cool down…something to leave our class with, is a very effective way to wrap things up.  This is a favorite of mine.  I first heard it from our national director and she never said a word while cooling us down, rather, she just used visual cues.  That is how I prefer to use this as well.   This is not a new tune, in fact it is from the ‘90”™s, but still true and useful.  So….today, do that thing that scares you- make the phone call, send the email, see that person, go in front of the camera on live TV or submit your entry to the Ultimate Instructor Class Profile contest!

Baz Luhrmann and “Everybody”™s Free (To Use Sunscreen). Right Click > Save As to download.

Amy Macgowan
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