Free Spinning Class Music from ICI/PRO
My job is getting so easy!
This week I want to thank Chuck Cali for suggesting the Free Friday Favorite. The FF for today is a great, Indie-Rock, 90 bpm, opening flat tune for your ride. This artist is quite new to the music scene, as his debut album was just released this July. Check out the first track, “Eyes Be Closed”, from artist Ernest Greene”™s debut album Washed Out - With in and Without. At 3:25, it crescendos to a nice finish at 4:50. Here is the video. Enjoy and let me know if you have a suggestion for a free music Friday!

Here's a great remix of “Eyes Be Closed” for your Free track of the week 🙂
Washed Out - Eyes Be Closed by daftdreamy
And here's another free track from Washed Out - I'm really liking this guy.
[soundcloud url=""]

Amy Macgowan

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