Free Spinning Class Music from ICI/PRO
They call them “mean girls”. There have been movies made about them and books written about them, and sometimes we have them in our lives. I have one in mine right now, so this song grabbed me this week as I listened to the CD and I have started using it in my cycle class. Guys… I am sure there are also “mean guys” for you in your life too, or possibly you just encounter mean girls as well, and that is plenty for you!

Anyway, The Script and “I Promise You Won”™t Feel A Thing”, from their Science and Faith CD is 4:35 long and 70 rpm. I use it after my warm up as a quick climb, combining long count (32 count at least) in and out of the saddle work and raising our heart rate up to T1 (low zone 3). The lyrics: “ I promise you won”™t feel a thing, cause everything the world could throw, I”™ll stand in front and take the blow… for you… for you…” are exceptionally romantic, I know. And no, nobody has offered, nor would I take them up on it, but it is nice to think about. There is a nice instrumental break at 3:00 for cueing opportunities. There is not an official video for this tune, but you can hear it here and see what you think for an early on climb:

And here is a remix of "I Promise You Won”™t Feel A Thing" for your free track of the week
[soundcloud url=""]
And the Spotify link

Amy Macgowan

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