Do you have a persistent health issue that hasn”™t responded to your nutrition efforts? More and more people are using nutrition and fitness to help them overcome problems that used to send them to doctors and pharmacies.

If you”™ve been working on the problem for a while — weight loss, high glucose, headaches — you probably have tried many strategies. But others may exist. Don”™t assume you”™ve tried everything.

Here are 3 tips to help you get the most from your nutrition appointments — and your nutritionist”™s suggestions.

- Don”™t improvise.

Instead: Follow instructions to the extent you can.
A recent client had been to doctors, but now wanted to treat her diabetes without meds. She was taking 31 (really!) different supplements, and some of the supplements were for health issues she didn”™t even have, like liver and thyroid.

She had poor results — her fasting glucose was not dropping any lower — but she kept taking every supplement.

Among other things, I suggested she lighten the stress on her liver and kidneys by eliminating any supplements that were not designed to lower glucose. We met a week later, and she told me her glucose had gone up, not down.

It turned out she had eliminated ALL the supplements, including the glucose-lowering ones.

- Don”™t reject an idea for a ridiculous reason.

Instead: Be willing to try something new. Your health comes first.
The same client above was in terrible shape physically. Her workouts were barely getting her heart rate to 95 — and she was exercising only 3 times a week. She needed to work out with some serious intent.

She couldn”™t exercise more frequently because it caused pain in her legs. I suggested she buy a Krankcycle — an absolutely brilliant piece of exercise equipment. I even found a certified, refurbished one for her at a terrific price. It would have enabled her to work out additional days each week by using her upper body instead of her legs.

Alternating the 2 types of cardio could (and would) have sensitized both upper- and lower-body muscle to insulin and produced solid results.

Why did she reject it? She said they didn”™t have room. Her beautiful home is huge, so that made no sense. She wouldn”™t consider putting the Krankcycle in any room but one — and wouldn”™t consider putting it in the large garage. Who knows? Maybe 8 cars lived in it — or perhaps a family of 6.

Either way, the answer was “NO,” and the reason seemed ridiculous. The result? Again, her glucose didn”™t move.

- Get out of your comfort zone.
Self-honesty is key here. Discomfort can be part of one”™s comfort zone. Some people even cling to it, possibly thinking that the devil they know is better than the devil they don”™t know.

Instead: Decide to do what it takes to move forward. And do that.
A former client had a sleep issue that was medically diagnosed as a deficit of serotonin, a brain chemical that can promote relaxation and is the direct precursor of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

This client rejected every suggestion I made to increase her bedtime serotonin levels — and, by the way, that”™s an easy thing to do. My suggestions even made her angry, and they simply involved food.

The behavioral psychologist on our team informed me that this client seemed to feel “special” because of her sleep problem.

A comfort zone isn”™t always the best place to be. For your health, do what it takes to move forward, even if it causes temporary discomfort.

Think of starting to exercise — it”™s uncomfortable at first because it”™s new. As we continue, we adapt to it, and that”™s when the magic happens. Food is the same way.

If you”™d like help with nutrition to improve your health and energy, perfect. That”™s what I do. Just visit and request your FREE Eating Empowerment Consult. Find out how easy it can be to move forward and enjoy great health.

Joan Kent

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