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by John | Nov 15, 2009 | Music | 11 comments
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8 Track?!!!! lol!!!! I haven’t heard that in a long time! Brings back memories as a child. 🙂
PC Laptop, so i can use dircectly MixMeister to play the palylist.
I used to bring it in on my iPod but the bit that makes it work on the stereo is broken! So back to boring old CDs now 🙁
Hey – I still remember 4-tracks!
Yes Speedmetal, back in the days of my music A.D.D. I used Rhapsody and not having a player that would work, brought my laptop.
Charlotte the other cool thing about 8 Tracks was the “Quadraphonic Sound System”.
8 tracks makes me think of my first boyfriend. Haven’t had that memory in a very long time! He was sooo proud of his 8-tracks, the one I remember was the Little River Band!
If you haven’t discovered the awesomeness of the iPod Touch – you should check it out! You can make lists on the go from the “On-The-Go” playlist option. Then the next time you are in front of the computer, you can save it. This has been a life saver for me as I usually make up new playlists during the day as I think about new stuff and don’t have to be stuck in front of my laptop!
I’m using Vinyl…
I always carry my own cable for my ipod…you can get a long one that allows you to sit with your ipod at the bike if you are not on a stage etc. I feel like a real DJ. I would love mixmeister but it’s very overwhelming to get started.
Jabda, you win the award for most “cool” instructor!
have you looked into the Mixmeister Academy? John has taken the “overwhelm” out of using Mixmeister! IT’s free for ICI/PRO members, and less than $20 for non-members. The time savings alone will save you a ton of money.
Thanks for the tip of the long iPod cable – I’ve only used the standard length ones and wished it was longer. I might pick one up.
I like to use an Ipod…but people steal the cables….so I always have my Ipod, xtra long cable and a back up CD to cover any and all situations…although one class when I came in and the cable for the ipod was gone and I was without a backup cd…we used someones CD that was burned for them and did am improptu class,,,,turned out that it was one of my hardest…but tons of fun!