With the season of giving upon us, I have a question for all of the Indoor Cycling instructors out there.
What one "gift" could your facility add to your Indoor Cycling studio that would help you improve the experience you try to create for your class participants?
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Just one. Oh my. Well at my favorite spin studio the bikes are quite old. I would like new bikes that count cadence and have some indication of the resistance setting.
Chuck, I’m lucky enough to teach in 3 facilities that have bikes with power. I teach on the Kaiser M3, Freemotion and Spinner Ion Blade. The feedback that participants receiver from these bikes has completely changed the indoor cycling experience for the better.
If you have more than one “gift” idea, let’s hear it.
Our Y has a nice room with newer Keiser M3 bikes. Every Christmas, I ask my director for a video setup in our cycling room but Santa never delivers :(. What drives me crazy is everywhere in the Y they have TV’s you think they could move the ones in bathrooms to the cycling studio.
Thanks Santa,
At my second favorite spin studio we have the Keiser M3 and if you’re, is listening that would the be new bike of choice at my favorite.
Now that I’m given a second chance at one gift, I chose spin studio programming. Real, thought through, managed programming that offers a well rounded array of cycle classes. Everything from Soul Cycle to Mountain biking.
The kind of program that will put cycling back on top of most popular classes. Which means it will be more than just about the work out. Building community, loyalty and branding such as it is for this studio.
Merry Christmas
Dennis I would like more accurate class & Instructor descriptions on our schedule. To be fair, we do have some already – my new power training class I’m starting on Sunday the 22nd will be titled “Performance Cycling” (7:30 @ the Eden Prairie Life Time Fitness)
But listing the majority of classes as simply; “Studio Cycle” doesn’t really convey much to a new participant about each instructor’s style, music, etc…
The Cycle – Sculpt class I taught last Sunday isn’t listed as such. It’s just another studio cycle class.
My favorite bike is the Freemotion bike. Best computer, REAL power, best iPhone App.
Programming is an area indoor cycling needs to improve on. Participants will never see significant gains if they are not challenged with a progressive program. The free-for-all that is the current program at most facilities burns lots of calories and may be fun but does not help participants reach their full potential.
I am not a fan of Crossfit, but I do admire the community and loyalty they have built. Indoor Cycling needs to figure out how to do the same thing. Maybe a “Happy Hour” class on Friday evening, where you ride the week away and go out for drinks after. Turn the indoor cycling classes into group rides.
I use video and my participants love it. I hope Santa delivers this year.
I absolutely agree with you. People want to know what they are getting into. I seem that management is afraid of any change, even if it’s for the better. I have been teaching above threshold classes on Mondays and Tuesdays and around threshold classes on Thursdays and Fridays. My participants appreciate knowing what type of class they are going to get.
Maybe we need to make a New Year’s resolution to name our classes even if our facilities don’t.
Please Santa,
Could we get the black curtains for the floor to ceiling windows in our cycle studio? They’ve been promised for months now. It’s just way too easy to get distracted and watch the basketball players/runners/walkers/children etc. in the gym and not focus on our riding.
Thank you. I’ve been a pretty good girl this year….
Amy, If you cover all the windows your participants won’t be able to wave at all their friends as they walk by.
I would like more of a focus on great sounding sound systems. My playlist shouldn’t sound better in my car driving to class or on $30 earbuds than it does in the indoor cycling studio. Too many studios are putting in little ceiling speakers and no subwoofers in their studios. These systems are meant for background music not the dance club quality we need. Something else I would like is to have the stereo set up NEXT to me, not in a closet or behind me. I am constantly making adjustments to my mic and music volume or queuing up my next song or video. Having the stereo controls at hip height right next to me would make things so much easier and more comfortable. Also, no more iPhone docks, just give me a headphone jack for my music and a VGA or HDMI cable for my video. Keep it simple.
I concur on the favorite bike, Dennis. Teehee. But alas, I don’t ride on it in either of my chief facilities here in Nashville, which bums me out big time. Additionally the sound system issue has always been an enormous pet-peeve. As a gal that put her way through college as a DJ, with an audio engineer for a husband, it eats at my soul to hear the way 120Watt speakers destroy my otherwise phat beats 😉
This is the only chance many of us get to be a “Rock Star” and sometimes you just need to turn it up to “11”.