It is with great pleasure that I introduce Barbara Hoots, one of the new columnists at -John
It”™s 5:30 a.m. and you can hear the sound of a low but persistent hum in the Spinning room. Listen carefully, and in between the grinding of flywheels you can hear the whispers, “Is she late…… again?”
Time management is the foundation for building the hottest class in the gym and is essential for creating student loyalty. In todayӪs rushed society, time is an important commodity that silently reflects your own attitude toward class. Imagine you were invited to a dinner party and the hostess was running late or forgot to prepare the entr̩e. Would you feel special, desired or respected? Take a cue from the experts in hospitality and prepare for class with the same zeal you would extend to guests in your home. Never expect your students to walk into a silent, sterile, empty cycling room and rave about your class.
The window of time before class begins is where most growth occurs. Arrive 30 minutes early and seize the opportunity to:
- Test the sound system and ensure microphone battery is fresh
- Crank up some background music to warm the crowd
- Adjust the air temperature
- Tidy up the room
- Offer water to new students if they didn”™t come prepared (I always keep a case of water bottles on hand)
- Distribute guest passes so students can bring friends (make your own if your gym doesn”™t offer a free cycling class pass).
- Dim the lights to establish an environment free of judgment (if lighting options are available at your facility).
- Start class on time!
Don”™t believe me? Take the challenge! For one month make a conscious effort to improve your time management skills and extend genuine kindness to your students. Watch with delight as new conviction emerges and classes become energized.
What”™s next? I”™ll teach you how to spice up your class with a trick from the advertising boys on Madison Avenue… me; you won”™t want to miss this one!
Leave a comment for Barbara so she knows your were here.
Originally posted 2019-01-18 10:23:07.
- All about the balance in your class. - September 12, 2023
- Amp up your Indoor Cycling class with time management - March 29, 2021
Barbara’s column was right on the money and it was refreshing to be reminded that something as simple as being on time and taking an interest in our students could make such a huge difference. I really liked this piece and will look forward to Barbara’s Mad Men advice next month.
I agree with Barbara’s pre-class music.
It sets the stage for a fun enthusiastic
class and puts students @ ease as they
set up bikes and converse with their
What a fun and smart article. I look forward to reading more from Barbara. As a lover of excercise, I can see how great music, a darkened room, and spinning passes would draw me into a spinning class. I think a darkened room would keep me focused on the ride and not how fast my neighbor is going. The music is motivating and using a spinning pass would be a easy way to get a friend to come and try it out.
Bingo! Barbara hit it spot on…couldn’t have said it better myself! The darkened room is crucial for the mind body connection and the music really aids in transporting the minds of riders. Way to go Barbara, I can’t wait to read your next article!
I’ve been in cycling classes where the instructor loaded 6 CD’s, pressed RANDOM and laughed about not knowing what the next song would be! D-
My personal favorite – the instructor who SINGS along with the music. D+
A room with bright lights (ugggh!) and a poor quality sound system. Really? This is your kick ass cycling class? C-
An instructor who is habitually late should consider quitting as the passion has obviously died. I agree with Barbara – respect your students and treat the class as if it were a business.
Hi Barb, great to be reminded about simple things like guest passes to grow your class. You’re totally right: you aren’t just leading exercise, you’re making it fun and you’re making a welcoming space where people can be in a different world for the hour.
Absolutely!! This should be taught for “every” spinning enthusiast and there instructor! Results are amazing when someone is real and genuine in there efforts. It would be awesome to see this philosophy in all classes- it would prove a very unique approach- Kudos Barbara!
Showing up late or even right on time is not only disrespectful to members, it can be unsafe. What is someone is new and needs basic help with set up? It’s hard to do that it the instructor is just getting there when the class is supposed to be starting. This occurs regularly in a yoga class that I attend. When I see someone new, I mention that the instructor won’t be there until after the class is scheduled to start and ask if they need any assistance in setting up there mat.
I’m fascinated with the teaser – what is the trick that I can learn from Madison Avenue that will spice up my classes? I can’t wait to find out.