Increased traffic to Indoor Cycle Instructor website

I was talking with one of my Thursday night regulars who's aware of our efforts here at ICI/PRO. He manages the website for the company where he works and we're always trading ideas for improving our sites. He asked me a question that I should have known off the top of my head, but I sheepishly had to tell him that I hadn't checked my traffic stats in quite a while.

So this morning I logged into my Google Analytics account for and got a pleasantĀ supprise... for the period between January 1st and August 31st, the total number of people visiting here are up 28.81% šŸ™‚

After being online for over 5 years, it amazes me that over this time period ~30% of visitors are finding us for the first time.

About 40% of you are Mac users (maybe I should switch?)

I see a huge 72% increase in Chrome users @ 25% of total users

There are still way too many Instructors using IE / Internet Explorer, but thankfully the number is down 13% from last year.

If you ever have have trouble downloading PDFs, Free Music Friday MP3s, open a Spotify / Deezer playlist from a link or most any other issues here or anywhere else online, 99% of the time it's due to using Internet Explorer. Ā Stop the madness! Click here to download Google Chrome - it's free and it's wonderful.


And while they're here, they're consuming more of our educational information.

9-20-2013 3-26-20 PM

That's awesome - I really appreciate you stopping by and it makes me smile to know that we're able to help so many Instructors!


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