ICI Podcast #151 – PRO Member Interview with Alice Heffner

ICI/PRO Member Solves a Big Problem

Outdoor cyclists can be very particular about their bike fit and setup. So much so that many won't come to your class because, after hundreds of hours on their own bikes, they don't feel comfortable on the Indoor Cycles in your studio. Then there's the issue of those...
ICI Podcast #151 – PRO Member Interview with Alice Heffner

Happy his new VeloVie Bicycle

ICI/PRO member John Appleby purchased a new VeloVie Vitesse 400 through our PRO/Purchase program. John emailed me today... John: Here is the  photo of the bike.  I like it more every day.  I rode the 14 percent grade section of Beaver Creek (11 percent average over 2...
ICI Podcast #151 – PRO Member Interview with Alice Heffner

Happy Birthday Amy Macgowan

I can't let this day past without remembering Amy's (the Senior Group Fitness Instructor here at ICI/PRO) birthday. I'm forbidden to mention her age, so please don't ask. I will give you some clues to the year she was born; Cuban Misslle Crisis, Jamaica Gains...