Fitness and Spinning Instructor Email List

I'm upgrading to a new email system this week. I don't anticipate any problems but you never can tell about the Matrix* The old system we used had some limitations that didn't allow me to separate ICI/PRO Members from everyone else. I'm converting to MailChimp which is very cool and somewhat more user friendly. If you have a small (less than 1,000 subscribers) email list it's completely free to use.

Managing our big list costs us $600.00 a year so I hope you appreciate each and every email we send you 🙂

Speaking of email... we send out an email update every Sunday night. If you aren't receiving it, it's probably in your Spam filter. I can't fix that for you, only you can. Adding to your list of contacts should fix that for you.

If you aren't on our list, or for some reason you're not receiving our emails, you can subscribe for free using this link.

*The Matrix is what I call all of the unintended consequences and effects that one seemingly minor change can have on this website.


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